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what's it like to have a girlfriend?
a serious question
i expect a serious answer- no jokes please
what's it like to have a girlfriend?
i've never had one
1 Antwort
- vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
Well if you have a good one it's like having someone over your shoulder that wont judge you for who you are because they should love who you are and want to be with you because of who you are that's why they would be your girlfriend anyway. It's having someone who you admire by your side to support you with whatever you want to do. (keep in mind that these things should not be one sided) It's having your heart held by a feathers it's a wonderful feeling. But when if it ends it hurts like a son of a ***** like a demon with burning claws reaching into your chest while your strapped down and ripping your heart out and leaving a hole in your chest that can not be filled. but it is worth it because all of the happy memories that you had with her will never be forgotten and are priceless. so good luck to you on finding love a patient archer in a successful one.
Quelle(n): My experience