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As a child how long were you angry about your Parents?

After you earned a spanking?

7 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I think children are very forgiving. They just want love and acceptance so they will keep working towards that goal no matter what. I didn't get really mad at my mom till I was at least 16, but that had nothing to do with all the spankings I got as I child....

  • vor 9 Jahren

    My parents never hit me and I'm glad. I don't think it works. People I know have posted pro-spanking posts and pictures on Facebook, but it becomes pretty ironic when you think about these people - for example, one woman who posted it has a daughter, my friend, who I know for a fact has been smoking and having sex since the age of 13, and this woman herself was the same. They both got spanked. Same scenarios for a lot of others, and very different scenarios for those who were never hit. It's always been the case that love and affection prove better incentives for openness and o good behaviour than violence, which causes incentives for people to lash out back and hide things.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Not long only a couple of minutes. Most of the time i was more angry about myself.

  • Not that long. After I got my butt beat.

    I was too busy crying. I didn't get angry at all.

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    vor 9 Jahren

    I never deserved to be spanked, nor suffer any of their other abuse.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    My mother - not at all, because she was fair.

    My dad - for years, because half the time I had no idea what I did wrong.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    not more than a day as they will explain what i did wrong and i accepted the punishment.

    Quelle(n): me
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