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Has Geography or Y!A gone completely berserk?

More than half the questions in Geography have nothing to do with Geography - bath tub ring? leaning ladders? Is Y!A coming up with worthless categories or are the people in geography failing to shoot down trolls?

Or what?

4 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Pretty much anything that has a "where" in it will get recommended to geography. The leaning ladders comes from legions of simpletons mixing up geography and geometry. Y!A's suggested category is influenced to a degree by where people choose to place their questions, and now it thinks many geometry questions belong in geography, just like it now thinks anything with the word 2012 belongs in Astronomy and Space after legions of simpletons asking many questions per day about the Nibiru hoax.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Wow! Mike, that is justifiable indignation that I see. I too was bugged by these questions. I wonder how do we stop them.

    Most Mathematics questions appear here. Amongst them a lot pertain to Geometry & analytical geometry (I can still attack problems as well as I was doing). Mathematics & Mathematicians have become dry and unimaginative, bogged down in their algebra. Geometry needs more of imagination & less of algebraic manipulations. Once the approach to tackle is known, tool to use can be chosen. And so these appear here; that is understandable. Same with ladders and shadows of buildings.

    It all betrays total collapse of education with the pupils groping for legitimate guidance. We are doing our best to put them back on track, at times without knowing where they got derailed. Actually, we here should feel proud that this section has become a last resort for questions where intelligence is needed, found wanting elsewhere.

    With trolls, I found with experience that you need to wear them down, without getting ruffled.

    Yet, lot of our time gets wasted, that is avoidable.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Or people do not have a clue what geography is! This is probably the correct answer.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    People using Y.A. do not know how to place their questions in the correct category.

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