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Is my malawi male or female?
I have been keeping malawi's and have a definate bhuna malawi it is black and stripy, it is the bigger of the lot and seems to be the boss of them all. it takes over all the caves and gets first pick at food. recently i have been watching it move rocks about some one said this was a sign of spawning. do the males do this aswell or just females? how can i tell if its a male or female?
Yes sorry i mean Mbuna, i recently added another fish to the tank yesterday and found it dead last night it wasn't even in the tank 7 hours can the males kill other fish??
I have looked at the species and it seems to be a Melanochromis auratus it has 1 egg spot
I have looked at the species and it seems to be a Melanochromis auratus it has 1 egg spot
2 Antworten
- TheRav1nLv 7vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
A what Malawi cichlid? bhuna? It helps to know the species. Even Mbuna is a variety of cichlids, if that is what you meant.
In most mbuna species, it is the male that will dig the nesting site, establish a territory, and then court the female. Likely what fish you have is a male.
Most cichlids are sexually dimorphic, and you can tell sex based on many tells, like color differences, egg spots on the tail, etc. Again, knowing the SPECIES is what is important. There are many, many, many, striped malawi cichlids. Do you have a picture or better detailed description?