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Nitro fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 9 Jahren

What does Mitt Romney's economic plan look like and what is wrong with it?

Could someone please point out Romney's plans for the US economy and why they will not work.

Please, it would be best if a Democrat or moderate Republican answers this question.


7 Antworten

  • BigBoi
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Like all Republicans, he plans to use supply-side (or trickle-down) economics, thinking that the rich will spend money, improve the economy, and help everyone. Instead, the rich continue to hoard their money and Republicans help nobody. This is why Reagan left crippling debt after his "Reaganomics".

  • pomar
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    they have a plan. Obama has desire and alter. Obama plan tax the prosperous and run the government 4 extra days on the money earned some plan. i don't be attentive to if Romney's plan would be thoroughly effectual even though it extremely is extra constructive than no plan. and four extra years of a similar the place we would have 70 million on foodstuff stamps 50 million unemployed and a central authority 25 trillion in debt. and a rustic that has been torn aside via the very people we are giving entitlements to immediately.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The greatest danger to America at the present time is the tea party. They are for hard core puritanical social reform and extreme austerity. They have insinuated themselves in the Republican Party which does not bode well for America or for a Romney presidency.

    Think about it. Does it matter whether Romney or Obama is in the White House when the tea party zealots won't let anything pass the House short of the things I've mentioned above? My concern is that Romney might give into their crazed demands.

    --Reagan Republican since 1980

    (Every one of Reagan's speeches expoused conservatism but he governed pragmatically. Look it up)

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    He doesn't tell us which means one of two things. Either he doesn't have one or he intentionally doesn't disclose it because he frets it will harm his campaign. Either way, he has a bunch of right wing zombie somnambulists following him to a place he has no directions for or it's a worse place than we are now.

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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Does America need someon in the Whte House who actually understands business and the economy.

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Interesting question as I have not seen his plan, I have only seen him flipflop multiple times on multiple issues.

  • Looks like this:

    That's what's wrong with it.

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