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Favorisierte Antworten27%
  • Is two years an acceptable age gap in a relationship (details within)?

    I am nineteen, a freshman in college. She is seventeen, a junior in high school. We work together and unbeknownst to me she has had a crush on me. All the other girls that work there have been dropping hints like grade school girls, "I know someone that likes you..." and so forth. Me, being the unsociable coward that I am, did nothing about this. However, she has now asked me out on a date. It feels weird that I would be dating a junior in high school, but is it?

    P.S. Please do not give me any answers such as, "Do what feels right." or "Follow your heart." Just be straight with me, is this unusual or unacceptable?

    P.P.S. The exact age gap is a year and six months, which sounds less weird to me. Maybe I'm worried about nothing.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Is two years an acceptable age gap in a relationship (details within)?

    I am nineteen, a freshman in college. She is seventeen, a junior in high school. We work together and unbeknownst to me she has had a crush on me. All the other girls that work there have been dropping hints like grade school girls, "I know someone that likes you..." and so forth. Me, being the unsociable coward that I am, did nothing about this. However, she has now asked me out on a date. It feels weird that I would be dating a junior in high school, but is it?

    P.S. Please do not give me any answers such as, "Do what feels right." or "Follow your heart." Just be straight with me, is this unusual or unacceptable?

    P.P.S. The exact age gap is a year and six months, which sounds less weird to me. Maybe I'm worried about nothing.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Is two years an acceptable age gap in a relationship (details within)?

    I am nineteen, a freshman in college. She is seventeen, a junior in high school. We work together and unbeknownst to me she has had a crush on me. All the other girls that work there have been dropping hints like grade school girls, "I know someone that likes you..." and so forth. Me, being the unsociable coward that I am, did nothing about this. However, she has now asked me out on a date. It feels weird that I would be dating a junior in high school, but is it?

    P.S. Please do not give me any answers such as, "Do what feels right." or "Follow your heart." Just be straight with me, is this unusual or unacceptable?

    P.P.S. The exact age gap is a year and six months, which sounds less weird to me. Maybe I'm worried about nothing.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Is two years an acceptable age gap in a relationship (details within)?

    I am nineteen, a freshman in college. She is seventeen, a junior in high school. We work together and unbeknownst to me she has had a crush on me. All the other girls that work there have been dropping hints like grade school girls, "I know someone that likes you..." and so forth. Me, being the unsociable coward that I am, did nothing about this. However, she has now asked me out on a date. It feels weird that I would be dating a junior in high school, but is it?

    P.S. Please do not give me any answers such as, "Do what feels right." or "Follow your heart." Just be straight with me, is this unusual or unacceptable?

    P.P.S. The exact age gap is a year and six months, which sounds less weird to me. Maybe I'm worried about nothing.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Is my Logitech g510s dysfunctional or are they just crappy keyboards?

    THE PROBLEM - Whilst holding down keys there are frequent stutters, which happen every two or three seconds and last anywhere from a fraction of a second to a second and a half. What is a stutter? If I'm holding down "W" to make my character move forward, my character will stop walking randomly and continue when the stutter ends.

    INFORMATION - This is a USB 2.0 microphone connected to a USB 2.0 port. I have tested this in Skyrim, Crysis 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, and wordpad. It does not only happen to "W," but to every key. I do have the latest device drivers. This did not happen with my previous keyboard, nor does anything of the sort happen to my new mouse.

    WHAT I WANT - I am looking for suggestions on what may be the problem, or perhaps someone confirming that these keyboards are crap. If nobody helps me to correct this problem by this evening I shall return it under the assumption that the keyboards are crap and purchase a different one.

    EPILOGUE - Thanks in advance for your help!

    2 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 7 Jahren
  • My keyboard disconnects and reconnects 5 seconds later, what are some possible causes and solutions?

    This is a brand new keyboard hooked up to a brand new computer. The computer is Windows 7, 8GB of RAM, 3.8 Ghz AMD Quad-Core PC FX-4300 Processor, Nvidia Geforce GT630 GPU

    Rather frequently, even in the middle of -insert expletive here- games where I die because I can't even hit pause; it simply disconnects, five or so seconds pass, and then it reconnects. Though it happens frequently, this is not to suggest that it is predictable. It can do it twice in half an hour or I could go hours without it happening. It could happen whilst playing a game or while I'm watching YouTube and not even touching the blasted thing. As you may have guessed, this is very, VERY annoying.

    I have the keyboard hooked up to the computer via a USB extender (also new, high quality) and everything is USB 2.0, so lack of power shouldn't be an issue. The keyboard is also sitting on a small table in front of my couch so I HIGHLY doubt that I'm wiggling the cables about and causing it to disconnect that way. I also tend not to run too many applications at once, three to four at the max (whether that matters or not.) Though the keyboard is new, it is not high quality. It's just some cheapo keyboard and mouse combo that came with the computer. Finally, I feel it's important to note that ONLY the keyboard is misbehaving. The mouse has never done it, the wifi adapter has never done it, the bluetooth adapter has never done it, but the keyboard does it daily. I have no idea what it means, but I'm hoping one of you lovely people can tell me! That should be all the information that's even slightly relevant. If I managed to forget something, tell me and I WILL add more details within 10-15 minutes (assuming I'm awake.)

    1 AntwortOther - Hardwarevor 7 Jahren
  • Are USB 2.0 and 3.0 fully compatible?

    As in, if I plug a USB 3.0 mouse into a USB 2.0 socket, will it work? Similarly, if I have a USB 2.0 mouse and plug it into a USB 3.0 socket, will it work?

    The actual reason I want to know, if it helps, is that I am planning on buying a USB hub to plug my whatnots into. However, the one I want is USB 3.0 ins and outs but I only have USB 2.0 devices and sockets on my computer.

    3 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 7 Jahren
  • Graphics cards for roughly $200, what are the best deals?

    I need a new graphics card, what are the best deals for around $200 right now, give or take about $25? I have an Nvidia right now, so I would prefer to stay with them but if an AMD is significantly better for the same price I could be convinced to switch.

    To clarify, when I say best deals I mostly mean graphical power divided by cost. Anything like free game downloads are also appreciated.

    4 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 7 Jahren
  • How do I get my Galaxy S4 to stop babying me?

    For instance, when I'm listening to music and try to turn it up louder via the button on the headphones, it stops at a certain point, makes me take the phone out of my pocket, and makes me confirm that my ears might get damaged if I listen to it too loudly for too long. It also won't let me use the camera if the battery is less than five percent. I'm a grown man. If I want to listen to my music loud or use my last bit of battery to take a picture, I should darn well be able to. Can I disable the idiotic safety features without rooting?

    2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • Christians, true or false, Jesus forbid violence?

    In other words, should all followers of Christ be strict pacifists based ONLY on what scripture says?

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • How long do you think I have to pay my tuition for this semester?

    The website says that tuition is due (for fall semester) "in early August." You would think they'd be more specific about things that cost $25,000 right? Anyhow, the vast majority of it got paid in scholarships and what have you, and since I didn't know when the due date was, I have been charged a $50 late fee (which I'm okay with) and am waiting for a student loan to go through. Classes start the first week of September, how long do you think I have to pay the tuition before they give me the boot?

    4 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 8 Jahren
  • Would this count as work experience, technically speaking?

    There's a rage face comic with the okay guy surrounded by the circular phrase, "I can't get a job because I don't have experience because I can't get a job..." etc. This is painfully true. Now, I have mowed my grandfather's lawn for the past six or seven years. He didn't "hire me" by any means, I mow his yard, he gives me a ten dollar bill. Could I list this as job experience and give my grandfather's first and last name as my employer, or would it have to be a legitimate tax paying job to count?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 8 Jahren
  • When applying for student loans, should I do it for both years or semester by semester?

    I'm going for two years and it'll be about $3,000 per semester, after all the various scholarships and grants are taken out. For the loan, should I get it all at once or am I supposed to get it semester by semester?

    1 AntwortFinancial Aidvor 8 Jahren
  • Why is the category Rock & Pop?

    Are they honestly pretending that say... Justin Bieber makes the same kind of music Metallica makes? This is not a trivial complaint, mind you, if there are people with extensive knowledge of one genre or the other, it is rather inefficient for them to sift through to find applicable questions. Does anyone know why Yahoo Answers would have this set up this way?

    6 AntwortenRock and Popvor 8 Jahren
  • How much money to repair an LCD television with image retention?

    My tv has gone to complete crap, and I have more than gotten sick of it.

    Visual aids:

    Those are pictures of the image retention or burn in (taken with my phone, screenshots wouldn't work for obvious reasons) on my desktop, Fallout New Vegas, Half-Life 2, iTunes, Amnesia, and some gray picture that REALLY shows it. I have tried to use some of the "play this video for several days and it will cure it" things and they did nothing. I would like to know how much it would cost, and if it's even possible, to have someone repair an LCD tv with image retention.

    1 AntwortTVsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why does Windows constantly update itself, but never get any better?

    Don't get me wrong, I like Windows. It's great, which is why I don't see how they're constantly "fixing problems" literally every single day. In fact, they are creating a problem, because now it takes five minutes (of installing and/or configuring updates) to turn off or turn on my computer instead of thirty seconds.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 8 Jahren
  • I ordered a computer from Wal-Mart on Monday and it's still in processing. Why is this happening?

    Surely something has gone wrong, yes? Oddly enough it still says that it will arrive via site to store on either the 16th or 17th, but it also told me processing would only take 24 hours, so there's that.

    3 AntwortenCorporationsvor 8 Jahren
  • Are computer manufacturers allowed to advertise the overclocked speed of the processor?

    I recently bought a computer that advertised a 3.8 ghz processor speed, but it was actually only 2.8 ghz. Is 3.8 the maximum overclocked speed?

    2 AntwortenDesktopsvor 8 Jahren
  • What is the cheapest thing I could buy?

    I'm talking pennies, if possible. I have a checking account that charges me $6.00 a month unless I make 5 debit card transactions a month, and I don't always make 5 transactions a month, so could I go to a hardware store and buy a nail or something? What are your suggestions?

    4 AntwortenInvestingvor 8 Jahren
  • Question about CPR certification requirements?

    My college requires that I get CPR certified for the Nursing program, however, online courses are not accepted. I am only able to find courses that are taught online and have a skills test at the end, which is conducted in person on site. Does the skills test make it a "non-online" course? Obviously I will call them to make certain if I do not get a definitive answer, but if someone could answer from experience that would be lovely.

    3 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 8 Jahren