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coldfuse fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 9 Jahren

Reagan: 16.7 million jobs. Clinton: 18.7 million jobs. Obama: LOST 1.4 million jobs. Had Enough?

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Civilian Employment, seasonally adjusted.

Reagan's first three years saw jobs growth of 4 million jobs, despite inheriting an economy from Carter with a misery index (combined unemployment and inflation) of 19.33%. Clinton began with a misery index of 10.56%. Obama inherited a misery index of only 7.73% and a recession which was on the way to its conclusion (in June of 2009).

Had enough?

15 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    Fiscal & monetary policy reside with Congress and the FED. The President has no such authority or responsibility. All he can do is sign or veto a bill sent by Congress. Kwitchyerbellyakin!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    So the 1% aren't doing their jobs. We keep hearing that they are the job-creators, which is why they can't be taxed fairly. If they're not creating jobs, they need to pay what they owe. Yes, I've had enough of subsidizing the people who don't need it while we have the poor starving because they're unable to get a job.

    Quelle(n): Reality
  • vor 9 Jahren

    The President has nothing to do with creating jobs.

    The unemployment rate increased during the first 3 years of Reagan's first term. Clinton was president when a new media was born.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    All you Obama haters need to get off his damn dick and shove a damn sock in your mouths. ALL OF YOU. Do you not realize that CHANGE takes TIME? Do you not remember how Hoover got blamed for all of the great depression - yet he actually did an amazing job at presidency. Obama himself has already done a lot that's helped our nation.

    If your arrogant a$$ doesn't remember, Bush was president before Obama, and with the war he threw us into really messed up the economy. Obama can't just go and shake the middle east's hands and say please excuse us please, Bush was just an idiot.

    There's one reason why our country is going to hell


    You people think you're so ******* smart and your views are better than anyone else's

    Go crawl under a damn rock..


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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Your a real f*king dick you know that???

    Your not speaking to your similar minded idiot friends that you can easily fool with these horsesh1t statistics here!!!

    A recession on its way to its conclusion in 2009!!??!**!! you are clearly out of your tiny mind, and you have confirmed my belief that the majority republican voting base are the reason this country is in the mess it is in, easily fooled dumba$$es!!!

  • vor 9 Jahren

    nice try

    the clear majority of Americans know that bush left Obama with a broken economy that will be very hard to fix.

    btw : Carter did not start two wars and at the same time lower taxes, so you can't compare Reagan to Obama in a fair manner.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    @cold, the misery index was much greater than that, and if Obama had done nothing, the so-called recession that was about to end was going to be a depression similar to one of 1929.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Unemployment has spiked again this week, which should show everyone who said OWE BAMA was bringing back jobs that is not the case, that it went down due to the Christmas Season and is now back to where it was and will continue to get worse.

    @Baller, shut your trap you high school drop out. None of us need advice from the likes of you, go take out mommies trash.

  • Sharon
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren

    This is why you are one of my contacts, you are GENIUS! Remember Newt Gingrich was very instrumental in both Reagan and Clinton administrations.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Ah, the 90's. Takes me back to better days.

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