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Favorisierte Antworten17%
  • I have my drivers license test today!?

    Any last minute tips? I have it at 8:00 AM, so in 3 hours! Wish me luck!

    1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 9 Jahren
  • POLL: How many of you smoked weed before?

    I have - multiple times

    16 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 9 Jahren
  • Buying a car with a lot of miles a good thing?

    So I bought my uncles 1993 Pontiac Bonneville off of him for $500 dollars. This is my first car, and I am 17. The brake master cylinder went on it and that's gotta be replaced, so it's kinda making me nervous. It runs pretty much perfectly besides that though. Anyway my primary question is, is it a good idea to buy a car with high mileage on it?

    My 93 Bonneville has 220XXX on it, and I do know already that that is a lot of miles.. obviously.

    I just want some clarification on it.

    Much appreciation to everyone who can help me

    3 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 9 Jahren
  • Someone who should be honored for their contributions to mankind?

    I need to write a speech on someone who should be honored for their contributions to mankind. I want to give a speech on someone who hasn't been praised or honored that much already. Ideas?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How far would you travel for the love of your life?

    How far would you travel to find the love of your life?

    I am currently in Minnesota and the person I've been talking to and he lives in Louisiana, I really like him...A LOT

    Just curious if you're willing to travel far?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Long Distance Dating as Teens Repost?

    I just don't feel that I got good enough answers to this previously because it was like 3AM when I did post it.

    Anyway, this is the situation. I am bisexual. I'm dating a guy right now online who lives in Louisiana. I live in Minnesota. I'm 17, and he is 16. We're both mature for who we are, and this just doesn't seem like a casual teen romance, so the seriousness is there I believe.

    I really like him, and previously to ever dating him, I've always said this: "I am bisexual, but it's only on the principle that I'm sexually attracted to guys. I can have sexual relations with guys, but I can never date a guy because it'd be way to awkward for me" Now I've got a boyfriend and like I just said, I really do like him and I want to meet him, and honestly spend my time with him for a looong time. As a matter of fact, I've already planned out a trip in mid June to drive all the way from Minnesota to Louisiana to see him. He planned on telling his grandparents when I come down that me and him are in a relationship. He even told me that if his grandparents were against me and him dating, he would just come back to Minnesota with me to live. The seriousness of that I'm not entirely sure. I asked him the day after he told me that and he still stuck to his word.

    I don't know what I'm really getting at here, but what I do have to say is this:

    I really do like him and I want to be in a relationship with him. He fills that empty space that I've had in me for a while now. I can see us living together in the future and more even. I have NEVER EVER had deep feelings at all for another guy, it's always been nothing but sexual, but its different with him, and I really want to be with him!

    So, what do you guys think? This can work out right? I just don't want to lose him. Any and all input is of great appreciation.

  • Long distance dating as a teenager?

    Okay, so this is the situation. I am bisexual. I'm dating a guy right now online who lives in Louisiana. I live in Minnesota. I'm 17, and he is 16. We're both mature for who we are, so the seriousness is there I believe.

    Anyway, I really like him. I've always said this: "I am bisexual, but it's only on the principle that I'm sexually attracted to guys. I can never date a guy because it'd be way to awkward for me" But now I've got a boyfriend and like I just said, I really do like him and I want to meet him. As a matter of fact, I've already planned out a trip in mid June to drive all the way from Minnesota to Louisiana to see him. He planned on telling his grandma when I come down that me and him are in a relationship.

    I don't know what I'm really getting at here, but what I do have to say is this:

    I really do like him and I want to be in a relationship with him. I can see us living together in the future and more even. I have NEVER EVER had deep feelings at all for another guy, it's always been nothing but sexual, but its different with him and I really want to be with him!

    So, what do you guys think? This can work out right? I just don't want to lose him.

  • How do I tell my mom I'm bisexual?

    Yes I like guy's and girls. I like a person for their value and what they can bring. It's not a choice, it's something you're born all the haters.

    Anyway, I want to tell my mom that I'm bisexual, there is this guy that I like and I want to go see him this summer in June, and in order to do so, I need to drive to Louisiana. I'm in Minnesota. I don't need people telling me "oh you're way to far apart" because you literally only live once and I"m not trying to use YOLO!

    But yes all seriousness, how can I bring this up to my mom? What happens if it gets awkward?

  • President John F. Kennedy?

    He urged the importance of a civil rights bill during his presidency, but never passed one. Why not?

    Yes I realize that he was assassinated; do you guys possibly believe that if he would have never been assassinated and lived on and most likely served another term in office, he would end up passing a civil rights bill?

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Side job question. I'm my own boss?

    I've been repairing and modifying Xbox 360 consoles since mid 2009 and I started at the age of around 14-15.

    In the time that I started and now, I've probably made about $1500-$2000 dollars, and haven't paid the government any of it. I never even thought I did.

    BUT, I just got employed and I've been looking stuff up on taxes, W-4's and such and I came across a thing called a "schedule C" form and it's apparently supposed to represent people who do side jobs, as me, so waht should I do from here?

    1 AntwortLaw & Legalvor 9 Jahren
  • Minimum Wage in Minnesota? BA WILL BE CHOSEN?

    I just got hired at Subway and I'm going to be paid the minimum wage, which is fine with me, I'm only 17.

    Anyway, the manager-err, my supervisor, said that minimum wage is most likely going to rise to $8 something this summer in Minnesota. I have searched google a little bit to find out for myself, but haven't found anything.

    Can someone please confirm or debunker this for me so I know?

    Best answer will be chosen!

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Question about buying replacement coils for stove top?

    I would like to buy replacement stove coils for my stove top. Currently three do not work out of the four.

    These are the coils already on the stove:

    I am wondering:

    Are these compatible with a Westinghouse stove? like does it matter if I get a certain model or do all coil burners work on stoves that already have coil burners on them?

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • I'm screwing my self over in school?

    I'm a 17 year old Sophomore currently. Last year as a freshman, I really messed up and right now I am doing the same exact. I'm missing a lot of school.....and I do mean A LOT. I also am not getting my homework completed and I find myself refusing to do any of it.

    I'm also currently working on recovering my credits that I f$3ked up last year and I will have about 2 credits to make up this year as well.

    I really need some guidance or influence to change.

    I hate to say it but I don't really want to.

    I know that going to school and completing high school is important to me, but I just struggle with the concept of me being barraged with school work each day and learning crap in class that I have absolutely no interest in.

    Any words of advice? I'm literally at my breaking point.

    1 AntwortPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • How can I improve my spanish? With BONUS QUESTION!?

    I'm in 10th grade and in Spanish level 2 and this far, I know pretty much everything all the way up to the past tense and such. I know how to conjugate verbs and such, I can read spanish fairly well if I am familiar with the vocabulary, but then I'm not so hot if I am not familiar with the vocabulary. I'm not the greatest at writing neither.

    Any ideas?


    I am wondering what I should expect if I go into spanish level three next year. So, what do you do in spanish three?

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 9 Jahren
  • What is it like to live in New York?

    Ok, so I am a 17 year old male.

    I love, LOVE the metropolitian scene and atmosphere.

    I live in a small town named Duluth, that's located in Minnesota. The population is between 80,000 - 91,000.

    The closest experience to huge metro areas I've experienced is Minneapolis and St. Paul. I know that those areas are probably nothing like NY, but I really liked it there and I liked the atmosphere there. I think I would LOVE NY because of the huge big city feeling it has, and there is always something to do. I like that, a lot.

    If I do move there, it will be sometime after I turn 19 and graduate from high school. I would like to go to culinary school or maybe something to do with photography. I've had those interests in my head for a while now and definitely know that I want to pursue them.

    Anyway, if you can give me the pro's and con's of what it's like to live in New york, NY, Brooklyn, Manhattan, whatever that would be awesome. I also love suburbs, so if you can give me some feedback on some nice suburbs, that would be awesome!

    1 AntwortNew York Cityvor 9 Jahren
  • someone check my Algebra homework question?

    Just need someone to check and see if I got the correct answer. I already know how to do the homework - not asking for help. Just looking to see if I got my answers right:


    Y=0.8X + 7.2

    20X + 32Y = 48



    X= .89

    Y = 7.912

    4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • question about buying a phone through verizon?

    I'm thinking about buying either the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, or the Droid Razr, but I don't want to pay no damn $650+ for a phone.....I know that I can get a phone through verizon wireless with someone who has a plan already for like $200-$300. I was just wondering....can I get a phone through a friend who has verizon and not pay the full price for the phone?

    I'm wondering because I want to switch to SIMPLE Mobile.

    2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 9 Jahren
  • P&S: You find a wallet on the ground, what do you do with it?

    I lost my wallet and have called every single place I could think of and it hasnt' shown up. I even posted an ad for lost wallet. I'm only a student and had my school ID, permit, bank cards and other crap in it, but no money.

    I'm baffled my wallet has not come up yet.


    I'd try to get it to it's rightful owner considering I know how it feels to have no help from the community at all >=|

    2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 9 Jahren
  • What to start selling on eBay?

    I DO have prior eBay selling and buying experience.

    I am just at a loss as to what to start selling.

    I DON'T have much in my house to sell

    I'd just like to make some extra cash each month, not try to be a millionaire.

    ANY IDEAS? :)

    4 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 9 Jahren