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Having suicidal thoughts?
I don't want to kill myself and wouldn't even dream of doing it I enjoy my life and the people in it but when im just sittin around doing nothing it crosses my mind even though I'm not going to I'm on Zoloft for anxiety if that makes any difference and im 15 any advice people?
1 Antwort
- Anonymvor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
It's fine to have these thoughts and I'm glad you've asked this question. As someone else has previously said, it's fine to have these thoughts as long as you are sure you aren't going to harm yourself or anyone else. I would let your parent's know about these thoughts and if you ever feel like committing suicide or self harming then tell someone. Also, but less likely - these thoughts might be a side effect of the medication. If they get stronger and more frequent then go back to your GP and explain what's happening. I hope I've helped!
Quelle(n): I have been on Zoloft before and had side effects of different medication.