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OddParity fragte in TravelAir Travel · vor 9 Jahren

Flight (Frankfurt --> Peking --> Taipei) with Air China?

Hi there,

I've never flown with Air China before and never outside of Europe for that matter. Usually I only fly with cheap airlines inside of Europe. Since it's my first longer flight and the first with a 'normal' airline, I've got a couple of questions.


As I understand, there's no online-check-in available for international flights with Air China. So I just go to the Check-In counter with my reservation code and passport to get my tickets, right? Do I get all tickets? Or just the outbound ones? Or just the one for the first flight. I need at least the 2nd outbound ticket from China to Taipei so that don't need a visa for China ...


I have one carry-on baggage item that has the right measurements. 5kg are allowed, which is OK, if I don't take my laptop. However, with my laptop, it's more, about 7kg. I'd like to take it. I read somewhere that Air China allows one 1kg item + 1 personal item like a laptop in economy class. Don't know how reliable it was, though. They didn't mention it on air china's website.

About the checked baggage: I expect that I don't have to handle my checked baggage when transferring in China, do I? You usually have to with cheap airlines, though. What's the usual?

Thanks in advance for all infos you can give me. Cheers.

2 Antworten

  • Gerd P
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Tickets: You can check-in online and print out your boarding pass from 18:00 [06:00pm] on the day before your flight starts until 3 hours before take-off. ..

    Carry-on baggage: I could not see anything about a second item in economy. If you take your laptop you will presumably need to check your planned carry-on baggage and pay an additional fee. ..

    Checked baggage: You checked baggage will be transferred by the airline. You won't see it before you arrive in Taipei. ..


    A transit visa for the People's Republic of China is NOT required provided you hold a regular passport. ..

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Quando sono andato a Taipei ho prenotato l’hotel su questo sito che ti linko , dopo averne cercati diversi ho visto che ha i prezzi migliori

    Se andate a Taipei visitate il Mercato notturno di Shilin per esplorare un tipico mercato tradizionale e provare specialità autentiche, come l'anatra arrosto e la minestra di tagliolini cinesi. Non dimenticate di visitare anche i famosi templi ,ci sonole sculture dei draghi buddisti al Tempio di Longshan e p potrete vedere gli interni del Tempio di Confucio che riflettono la filosofia e la cultura del luogo.

    Taipei è la sede di numerosi festival e nel quinto mese lunare, in corrispondenza della festa delle barche drago, potete fotografare le regate tradizionali.

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