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Favorisierte Antworten26%
  • Gehäuse-Lüfter auf CPU?

    Mein alter CPU-Kühler ist mir zu laut. Die CPU ist Sockel 775 (Intel Core 2 Duo).

    Ich habe online einen neuen Lüfter gekauft, aber den falschen. Es ist ein 80mm Gehäuselüfter. Der CPU-Kühler den ich habe ist der originale Intel Kühler. Da kann man keinen Gehäuselüfter draufschrauben, wenn überhaupt irgendeinen anderen Lüfter.

    Was ich also brauche ist einen neuen CPU-Kühler für Sockel 775. Da ich aber Geld sparen möchte, würde ich gerne darauf den Gehäuselüfter setzen. Meines Wissens sollte das funktionieren. Aber ich finde nur CPU-Kühler mit Lüfter.

    Gibt es einen Kühler ohne dazugehörigen Lüfter, auf den man (mit einem Adapter vielleicht?) einen Standard-Gehäuselüfter (80mm) setzen kann?

    3 AntwortenDesktop-Rechnervor 9 Jahren
  • De-interlacing with VLC? Reducing resolution or frame-rate?

    Hi, I have an pretty good idea of how video codecs work and I am an IT professional myself. I say this to prevent obvious, yet unhelpful answers.

    I just bought a netbook. It doesn't have much CPU and it's graphics are not worth speaking of. It's a bit too slow for high-res videos and I'm having problems with medium resolutions, too. Right now, I'm watching a 624x352px XVID video with 23.9 FPS. It runs fluently enough, but there's a problem with vertical offset. When the picture changes fast, you see that the pictures has a horizontal fault line and top and bottom part of the picture are not in sync. I've had that before, it happens. It is usually negligible, but quite bad when in full-screen and watching this video.

    Now, I know this problem occurs with interlaced videos, where the lines are always "out of sync" on purpose. I know the process of de-interlacing. VLC supports this, though I've never tried it out. What I don't know is ... is the problem I'm having similar to interlacing (i.e. it's encoded that way) or just that the speed of my computer can't handle building the whole image in time? Is de-interlacing possible ... I only know de-interlacing lines by generating a full frame to get full 50FPS.

    Or is it possible, on the fly (without re-encoding the video) to lower the resolution, but run it in full-screen or the framerate so that it runs smootly? I'm not crazy about HD, but it's unnervering to have this fault-line all the time.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 Jahren
  • Black screen in Windows 7?

    I'm having a problem with Windows 7 on my netbook, an Acer Aspire One D270. Sometimes when I want to install a program or when the computer has been left unattended for a few minutes (when the netbook should go into sleep mode), the screen goes black and doesn't clear up again. The screen itself stays on. When I close the lid, the screen lighting turns off and on again when open it again, but it doesn't clear up. The computer will not respond to any commands (Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Del) but it is clearly still on. When I press the on/off-Button, the netbook goes into hibernation, which is just how I set it up. When it is in hibernation, I can turn it on again and it will boot up and resume Windows where I left off, without any problems. However, this is a highly annoying fix, because it takes a lot of time. The problem occurs in battery mode and when plugged in. Since it just happened twice when I wanted to install a program, I assume it may have something to do with the security-settings, like when you install something in Windows 7, the screen turns black for an instant and then it clears up again to show you a security warning ... except mine doesn't clear up. But then why should that happen in connection with going to sleep after being left unattended?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 Jahren
  • Flug mit Air China, Transit in 2 Stunden?


    Ich möchte gerne einen Flug nach Taipei buchen und das beste Angebot für mich ist Air China mit Umsteigen in BeiJing Capital. Nun wird mir ein Flugplan angeboten bei dem der Aufenthalt, also die Transit-Zeit in BeiJing nur 2:25 Stunden ist. Das klingt erstmal nach viel Zeit, aber ich frage mich, ob das nicht zu riskant ist. Immerhin muss man dort ne Weile warten bis man aus dem ersten Flugzeug raus kommt, man muss nochmal durch Passkontrolle und Security (ja auch bei Transit) und dann noch zum Gate laufen. Und wenn alles zusammen kommt (lange Schlangen, Verspätung des ersten Fluges) kann es gut sein, dass man zu spät kommt.

    Wenn das der Fall ist, was passiert dann? Wartet so ein Anschlussflug, zumindest wenn er von derselben Fluggesellschaft ist? Was wenn er weg ist? Hat man irgendwelche Ansprüche auf Unterkunft, Ersatzflug, etc.? Was wenn man dann am Flughafen festsitzt, nur 24 stunden ohne Visum im Transitbereich bleiben darf?

    Irgendwelche Erfahrungen?

    4 AntwortenFlugreisenvor 9 Jahren
  • Flight (Frankfurt --> Peking --> Taipei) with Air China?

    Hi there,

    I've never flown with Air China before and never outside of Europe for that matter. Usually I only fly with cheap airlines inside of Europe. Since it's my first longer flight and the first with a 'normal' airline, I've got a couple of questions.


    As I understand, there's no online-check-in available for international flights with Air China. So I just go to the Check-In counter with my reservation code and passport to get my tickets, right? Do I get all tickets? Or just the outbound ones? Or just the one for the first flight. I need at least the 2nd outbound ticket from China to Taipei so that don't need a visa for China ...


    I have one carry-on baggage item that has the right measurements. 5kg are allowed, which is OK, if I don't take my laptop. However, with my laptop, it's more, about 7kg. I'd like to take it. I read somewhere that Air China allows one 1kg item + 1 personal item like a laptop in economy class. Don't know how reliable it was, though. They didn't mention it on air china's website.

    About the checked baggage: I expect that I don't have to handle my checked baggage when transferring in China, do I? You usually have to with cheap airlines, though. What's the usual?

    Thanks in advance for all infos you can give me. Cheers.

    2 AntwortenAir Travelvor 9 Jahren
  • Flight (Frankfurt --> Peking --> Taipei) with Air China?

    Hi there,

    I've never flown with Air China before and never outside of Europe for that matter. Usually I only fly with cheap airlines inside of Europe. Since it's my first longer flight and the first with a 'normal' airline, I've got a couple of questions.


    As I understand, there's no online-check-in available for international flights with Air China. So I just go to the Check-In counter with my reservation code and passport to get my tickets, right? Do I get all tickets? Or just the outbound ones? Or just the one for the first flight. I need at least the 2nd outbound ticket from China to Taipei so that don't need a visa for China ...


    I have one carry-on baggage item that has the right measurements. 5kg are allowed, which is OK, if I don't take my laptop. However, with my laptop, it's more, about 7kg. I'd like to take it. I read somewhere that Air China allows one 1kg item + 1 personal item like a laptop in economy class. Don't know how reliable it was, though. They didn't mention it on air china's website.

    About the checked baggage: I expect that I don't have to handle my checked baggage when transferring in China, do I? You usually have to with cheap airlines, though. What's the usual?

    Thanks in advance for all infos you can give me. Cheers.

    2 AntwortenAir Travelvor 9 Jahren
  • Flug Frankfurt --> Transit in Peking --> Taipei mit Air China?

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin noch nie so eine lange Strecke geflogen und sonst auch nur mit Billigflieger a la Ryanair/Aerlingus. Habe dementsprechend ein paar fragen:

    Ich habe von Air China nur eine Buchungsnummer. Seh ich das richtig, dass ich einfach mit der zum Check-in gehe, meinen Pass mitgebe und dann die Tickets bekomme? Bekomme ich Tickets für die komplette Reise (beide Hinflüge oder alle vier Tickets für Hin- und Rückreise)? Das Anschlussticket muss man ja haben, damit man in China kein Visum braucht.

    Das Gepäck:

    Das aufgegebene Gepäck, wird das in Peking dann zum nächsten Flug gebracht oder muss ich das erstmal in Empfang gehen und dann nochmal durch Security?

    Ich würde gerne im Handgepäck (ein Roll-Koffer mit richtigen Maßen) meinen Laptop mitnehmen. Es sind aber nur 5kg erlaubt. Ohne Laptop ist das OK, mit Laptop sind es etwa 7kg. Ich hab aber gelesen, dass wohl 5kg Handgepäck + 1 persönlicher Gegenstand wie Aktenmappe oder Laptop genehm sind. Allerdings habe ich das nur irgendwo im Internet zu Air China gelesen, nicht direkt auf Air China's Website. Das kann ich zur Not noch am Check-In erfragen, aber vorher wissen, wär gut.

    Danke für alle Infos, die ihr mir geben könnt.

    1 AntwortFlugreisenvor 9 Jahren
  • Why doesn't anyone know how to ask a question around here?

    I'm really more and more interesting in helping out folks through this website. It's great. However, I would like to be able to help more of them, but many make it impossible: They do not provide anything but the most basic information! People with computer problems state the problem, but no info as to their operating system, the name of the device they're having problems with or anything like that. Problem is, I can only state in the answer that they need to provide more info in the future, but no dialog is possible. But I guess that's what forums are for ... still, it'd be nice to be able to do it here.

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 10 Jahren