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Lv 7
zahid fragte in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · vor 9 Jahren

For which Answer you'll vote?

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    This one:

    Wa'alaykum asSalaam

    no offence but your husband needs a talking to.

    What you are doing is normal.. your not exactly going to tell the whole world everything about you are you?

    you are absolutely right.

    does your husband tell you everything? does he tell you the same things he tells is best friends or close friends, relatives?

    i highly doubt it.

    not everybody is trustworthy and not everybody is open to acceptance or wants to help.

    By someone called Ryu Hayabusa

  • I agreed with most of the answers and i chose This one :

    No its not, its not like your intentionally lying to people, and you have to be different in different situations.

    Just ask his friends and family how they see him and you will get different responses, unless he's a robot! :P


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