Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.
لا إله إلا الله lyfisatest أمة الله
اللهم حبب إلينا الايمان و زينه في قلوبنا وكره إلينا كفر والفسوق و العصيان و جعلنا من الراشدين - A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah. "Islam is like a Bird....The body is the love of Allah swt...The right wing is the Love of Jannah...and the left wing is the fear of Hell fire....and if you take away the body the wings have no use...(Ibn Taimiyah) Salah is not part-time... Not sometime... It should be on-time... And may be over-time, because.... Death could be at any-time. -Anon "If you think you know it all ..... You don't! Because knowledge is like swimming in an ocean which has no coast! Seek Knowledge Seek the pathway to PARADISE Are oranges called oranges because they are orange in colour or is the colour orange called orange because oranges are orange in colour? ;)
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