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Is this heresy? I am experiencing some doubt?

Now I wonder if Cheetos's are nothing more than flavorless quick-bread and all the flavor is in the orange powder that gets all over your fingers and mustache.

I would like to continue to believe that they are completely wonderful, but my faith is shaken.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Why buddy, I do believe your right. But aren't mustaches GRAND for keeping that flavor going on a little bit longer? Hell, sometimes when Robyn and I are alone, doing our "marriage business" she might "move the mustache" a bit too hard and I'll get some cheesey goodness I didn't know I'd been savin'!

  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    Relax . It is just the delivery vehicle for said powder . The wonderful is just the right bled of powder and crunch ..

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Cheetos are fantastic.. speak one more word against them and i will burn you at the stake.

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