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Baby in crib or with you.. (sleeping) please read!?

I'm 26 weeks and I'm a FT mom I've been reading parenting books (which my parents believe I should trash) anyway I've bought this top of the line crib now I'm worried about my baby sleeping alone... I mean she's too young but I also dont want to risk SID by letting her sleep with me... I'm like torn it keeps me awake at night trying to figure out a safe alternative I'm like what if I dont hear her crying.. What if she.gets cold or gets her head stuck between the bars on the crib all kinda of things are going thru my brain... Its leaving me exhausted now that time is nearing HELP! :/

16 Antworten

  • jlb
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    Not sure what kind of parenting books you are reading...but they don't sound like they are based on facts.

    Co sleeping does not increase a baby's risk of SIDS. It may increase his risk of suffocation, if you are fat, a smoker, use drugs or formula feed, but SIDS shouldn't be an issue. If you want some real co sleeping info, check out Dr James McKenna's research.

    Also, baby would have to have a tiny head and be extremely mobile in order to get his head stuck btw the bars of a crib. They are regulated for safety.

    Chill out and learn to go with the flow. Most parenting books that I have seen try to stick all kids into the same box and many give dangerous advice. Your child will be an individual, parent him that way.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Crib is the safest. Another great thing that we did with all our kids was have them sleep in a smaller bassinet for the first few weeks so that the baby could be in our room and still safe in her/his own bed, but I know I felt 100% more safe with the baby right next to the bed. You can also get monitors with videos or just a really strong monitor so you can hear everything even if the baby's in a different room.

    Good luck & congrats!!! :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that for safety, the baby be in the parents' room for at least 6 months.

    Safe co bedding is the safest way to sleep, and is not a risk for SIDS. Unsafe co bedding is risky, but not so much for SIDS as suffocation or other accidental death. The worst (most dangerous) places to co sleep are on a sofa or in a chair.

    You can read ore about *safe* co sleeping on James McKenna's website as well as Dr. William Sears'.

    Quelle(n): hospital IBCLC and mothers' group leader 20+ years mom to 3
  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    I have had both my kids in bed with me when my son was born we bought a co sleeper but when he was about a month old he would wiggle out of it and snuggle up to me. Most the stuff I have read says co sleeping actully reduces the chance of sids. I cant imagne my little guy in a bed by himself.Normally I am a heavy sleeper and move around alot but somehow I am aware when I have a baby and I wake up easier and in thsame postion. Good Luck and congrats on the baby and try not to worry so much but worrying is part of having a baby my boy is 3 months and I still worry about the craziest thing :D

    Quelle(n): Me and bubby cosleepers
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  • Anonym
    vor 9 Jahren

    What people I know have done is to buy a bassinet. Its like a little crib you can bring around with you throughout the day for her to sleep in, and then have in your room for her until you feel ready to have her sleep in her crib. Baby monitor will completely make your heart at ease as well, with a good one hung on the inside of the crib you can even faintly hear the baby breathing

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    I used a crib right next to the bed so that I could roll over and see my son in the middle of the night. We started co sleeping when it was safe.

    I woke up to check my son and listen to him breathe at least 5x night for the first month or 2 lol Its a normal feeling, you will get more comfortable with it as time goes on

  • Sarah
    Lv 4
    vor 9 Jahren

    I co-slept with my baby since the day he came home in the hospital. He sleeps in his crib for naps, but it was just so much easier with breastfeeding! I'm now formula feeding and I wish I was still breastfeeding just so I could roll over, latch him on, and go back to sleep.

    What I found was I could NEVER turn my back to him. If you have one arm above his head and are facing towards him then everything will be fine. My son is now 6 months old and I'm thinking of soon transitioning him to his own bed at night. He sleeps so much better with me and I always know that he's safe.

    There's been times when he was little when he'd just stop breathing and if he was in his own crib I wouldn't have noticed... He probably would have been able to clear the saliva out of his throat without me sitting him up but it just scares me.

    BUT! It is SOO hard to get my son to sleep in his crib at night now... It will be a very hard transition and you should consider that before you go through with co-sleeping.

  • vor 9 Jahren

    Do you have a pack and play? I set that up in our room for the first few night. I am a FTM as well and I was sure my son would be in my room with us but after the first few night I decided to try him in the crib and he did great! Are you planning on breastfeeding? I hear that it is easier to keep the baby in your room if you will be breastfeeding around the clock. But I recommend putting the baby in a pack and play or something similar NOT in bed with you. I breastfeed for the first few months then just switched to pumping and bottle feeding cuz I had to go back to work. So having him in our room for BF purposes really didn't apply to me. It's a little nerve racking at first but your baby will do fine in his/her crib by him/herself. The worry goes away; good luck!

  • AcR
    Lv 6
    vor 9 Jahren

    I got a pack and play that had the bassinet feature in it. For my sons first 3 weeks he slept in that right beside my bed so I could monitor him at all times. At 3 weeks I moved him to the crib hes not nearing 5 months old and perfectly healthy and a great sleeper! =)

  • vor 9 Jahren

    The crib is really safest. And getting her to sleep there from the beginning will eliminate a LOT of headaches later on.

    She won't get her head stuck between the bars. Crib bars have to be less than 2.5 inches apart FOR THAT REASON.

    She won't get cold if you're not cold. She's comfortable in the same temperature and number of layers as you are.

    TRUST me, you WILL hear her crying! Your Mama Ears will be attuned to her littlest noises from day one!

    If you can put the crib or a bassinet in your bedroom, that might be the best solution for the first couple of months, particularly if you're breastfeeding.

    Good luck!

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