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Lv 619.910 points

Alix C.

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Pick your fave 3 girls names?

    Not sure what we're expecting yet but we're definitely more comfortable with boys' names than girls... We haven't paired them up in first/middle combos yet and we still haven't narrowed down our girls' list... Yikes...

    If you could pick your first favorite, second favorite, and 3rd favorite from our list that would be awesome! We'd also be open to a handful of suggestions or also ideas on how to pair them up as first/middle combos














    I used to have "Claire" on the list but recently realized that it would really clash with our last name (which starts with a hard C too and is 2 syllables) but I kind of like the idea of Claire as a middle name... maybe...?

    Thanks so much!!

    20 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick one baby boy's name?

    My husband and I still aren't sure what we're having yet, but we've (sorta) narrowed down our list for baby boy's names. Could you pick your fave 1 or 2 and/or give a few suggestions. The names definitely aren't set in stone - they're just names we like / are considering.

    Noah James

    Matthew Parker / Matthew Sawyer

    Wyatt ??

    Cooper James / Cooper ??

    Adam Ryker / Adam Frasier

    Frasier Scott / Frasier Gavin

    Christian Sawyer

    Scott Sawyer / Scott Parker / Scott Frasier / Scott Cooper

    15 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick your favorite 3 for a baby boy?

    Out of these names:







    Ryker (not sure how I feel about this one...)


    Frasier (I think I like this better for a middle name, but my husband likes it, so I guess it's on the list...)

    Adam (not really a fan of this one either, but maybe as a middle name)

    39 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick your favorite 3 for a baby girl?

    Of these names what are your favorite 3?















    31 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • What do y'all think about the name Orla?

    It's Irish but not too out there, in my opinion, plus it was my husband's grandmother's name. I'm definitely not sure, but I think it might be nice if we end up having a girl.

    Do you think it would be a better first or middle name?

    Plus how would it flow with our other kids' names (which are not Irish at all -- Meredith (Merry), Piper, George, Kinsey, and Diana)?

    5 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick a name for a baby boy?

    We've still got a while before the baby is due but I'm kind of anxious/excited about names :)

    For our last baby, we planned Noah Matthew if it was a boy, but we had a little girl, so Noah Matthew is still on the table.

    I also like:




    not sure what else...

    We already have a son named George so I'm not sure if I want two G names... Maybe I'm just being paranoid...

    Favorite / least favorite / suggestions?

    8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick your favorite for a baby girl?











    Baby's not due for a while so we really aren't in a hurry, but I want to come up with some ideas... I like Phaedra, Jill, Claire, Luna, Elizabeth for middle names (but those aren't set in stone at all -- I just think they're nice).

    What do you think? Any favorites / least favorites / suggestions??


    17 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Pick your favorite name?

    For a girl:











    Suggestions would be appreciated!!! :)

    Thanks everyone!!

    19 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you like the name Amy?

    Why / why not?

    And if you do what would you use as a middle name?

    I always loved it -- nearly named my last daughter Amy -- but now I'm not so sure. My husband loves it but I'm not sure I do anymore.

    What about the spelling Aimee or Amey?

    8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Mamie for a baby girl?

    Pronounced May-Mee?

    I think it's cute but I don't know if it would age well. I also don't know if it would be better as a nickname for something, like Madelyn or... I don't know.

    Any opinions or ideas on what Mamie would be short for / if it is ok to stand alone? What about a middle name?

    6 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Relationship question for parents?

    Kind of awkward question but just wondering how often on average y'all are having sex with your partner and if you're having any oral sex at all? My husband and I used to do it a lot more but now we've got five kids and we're both so busy we haven't had sex in 3 weeks and haven't had oral sex since I don't know when...

    7 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think about the name Monica?

    If we have a baby girl?

    I know it's a bit of an older name and kind of reminds me of a 30 or 40-yr-old (I went to elementary school with a few kids named Monica) but this name is kind of appealing to me for a little girl now.

    Anyone think it would work well for a little one? Big sisters are Meredith (Merrie), Piper, Kinsey, and Diana. Do these names work well together? What about middle names? I kinda like Monica Jane but Jane is my older daughter's middle name so I'd want something else...

    8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • 3-yr-old becoming a big sister?

    My 3-yr-old has been the baby of the family since she was born and we always thought she'd be the youngest in our family because we never expected to have another baby but - surprise!! We've told kids about becoming big siblings before but this one feels different because we definitely baby this little girl and I'm afraid that she's not going to react well to the news because she loves being the littlest.

    Does anyone have any good age-appropriate advice for getting her excited about having a baby brother or sister? She has four older siblings and loves them all and is great with older kids, but not the kind of kid who likes to play with dolls or younger kids and she just doesn't get excited about my friends' babies or her friends baby siblings...


    4 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 9 Jahren
  • Phaedra for a baby girl?

    Phaedra Elise, maybe? It just sort of popped into my head and I kind of like it...

    Anyone have thoughts?

    And does it go well with sibling names Merrie, Piper, Kinsey, and Diana or is it too out-there?

    4 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Your thoughts on the girls' name Adair?

    Just popped into my head today and I think it's kind of cute...

    Anyone have any opinions?

    What about Adair Elizabeth for a first-middle name combo?

    6 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Boy name suggestions?

    My husband and I are expecting a baby in late November / early December -- I know, a long way off -- but floating around in the baby name section on Y!A is making me want to think of names for our little one. We have daughters and we've always thought about girls' names but we've always had trouble with boys names. We already have a son named George and we had the name Noah Matthew on our list for our last baby but it was a girl so that's a possibility. I like traditional and simple names like Wyatt, Truman, Adam, etc.

    Could you suggest 3-5 of your favorite boys names so we can get some ideas??


    11 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Traditional Names and Unique/Uncommon Names?

    Come up with a traditional set and an unique or uncommon set for each of the following initials, please :) And star if you want more... :)













    9 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Names for these initials?

    Star if you like / if you want more :)


    KD - age 15

    MS - age 14

    LT - age 12

    KS - age 10

    LB - age 8

    OB - age 5

    AS - age 4

    DN - age 2

    RE - age 1


    GH - age 13

    WE - age 11

    FE - age 10

    IM - age 9

    TD - age 8

    WW - age 3

    MK - age 3

    JT - age 1

    18 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Parents: What's your favorite TV show?

    I'm not talking about the shows you watch with your kids -- no cartoons! :)

    When the kids are asleep, what are your favorite shows to watch? Or if you had time to watch TV, what would you want to watch?

    I have a 2yr old who's pretty tough to get to bed, but if I get her asleep on time, I love watching Parks & Recreation and I also love Cougar Town :) My husband's more in to baseball... :)

    What about y'all?

    6 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • What time do your kids go to bed?

    And what time do you go to bed

    My kids are all asleep before 8.30 and then Im probably asleep by 11 and my husband usually doesnt come to bed until midnight.

    7 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren