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Anti-communists: Have you read "Capital" by Karl Marx?

and if you haven't, what gives you the right to speak on communism? do you just regurgitate the propaganda?

17 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Forget it, they're stupid.

    They can't tell the difference between Communism and dictatorship. I bet you they just quote how many people died under "Communism", when no country on earth has ever successfully implemented true Communism. Politics is never so black and white.

    EDIT: See?

    Quelle(n): Political Science major
  • vor 10 Jahren

    Why do I need to read it? Karl Marx was anti-capitalist.

    His ideology resulted in the deaths of 100 million people around the world in the last century alone.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    So, what you are saying is that this particular book is the unquestioned authority on communism. I thought you libs were all into questioning everything.

    Couldn't you read * other * material and still have a good enough basis on which to "speak on communism"?

    All I have to see are the dour-faced people in block-long breadlines to arrive at a conclusion about communism.

    Throw in guards in towers that shot anyone trying to escape this little "paradise" and, regardless of what Mr. Marx described in his book, it didn't play out how he envisioned.

    What part of "they killed people who tried to leave communist countries" are you not understanding?

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Hello! read it many times When there was an actual history class! Where did you go to school! make sure you read Mein Kampf and the rest of the world history books. The reason there is a combination of systems is because of the Human element. Man cannot get along and never will. Power and greed is always the goal. The truth will always be twisted to suit one's needs.

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  • vor 10 Jahren

    The U.S Constitution gives me the right!

    Can you name one successfull communist country at any point in time?

    How many failures and lives will it cost before this idea ceases to be repackaged and forced upon the people. Have you lived under communism? I have! In this case the book is not better.

    This is real life were talking about, not a college campus glee club.

    This country fought three wars against communism and yet we still have them marching in the streets. Isn't freedom great!

  • Lenny
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    I had even studied it in high school and in University back in USSR. We all had to.

    This stupid book assured me that Marx is not a scientist at all.

    @ Aerius

    It is the nature of the socialist beast (communism of USSR and China are only two of other possible forms).

    If you want to know why every implementation of the communism ends with dictatorship, read "Road to Serfdom" by Friedrich Hayek.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I've read "The Gulag Archipelago", which was the result of Marx's ideas when applied to real people.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Read it, believed it for a while then woke up & realised Marx was v. Liberty & for a dreadful state tyranny like BHO.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Read Mein Kampf while you're at it, and see how you fit exactly into the Nazi machine Idealism along with the rest of the socialists that like to call themselves "Liberals". You're becoming more and more exposed every day.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I will give that one a look. I know President Obama is not FAR LEFT.I know I am not a communist either.I am a Liberal Democrat who appreciates some Socialism ideology, such as guaranteeing our children get an education.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Are you saying to ignore the real world application and only follow the rhetoric? That explains a lot.

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