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Is it wrong for a Christian to say no to someone?

I try to help people in any fashion I can just to help. It feels good to know I contributed in some small way. Not in a "oh look at the good I did" way but in hopes that they will pay it forward and give a fraction of decency towards others. There are times when people over step and expect more of me than I can give and not only in a financial way. Then they seem upset because I didn't do what they wanted me to. Or they want me to listen to the daily grind of how tragic their lives are. If I mention relying on God or improving on their relationship with God they get mad and tell me that their relationship with God is just fine. These things get so draining mentally, emotionally, and physically. I have a husband and children to care for as well. I just get so upset like I can't hold everyone's hand all the time but guilt sets in and I think I'm not being a good Christian because I want to say "no" to the ones that put so much extra on me and take so much extra from me. Am I wrong to feel this way?


Thank you all for your advice I feel a little better now and my mind isn't so troublesome! Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ! I knew God would help me but being plauged by it is probably the devils way of wearing me down!

7 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You are a good Christian with your kindness, humility, and good motives. It is okay to say no to people sometimes. You can't please everyone and you can't be pleased by everyone, so don't try. If you set your self-standards by what other people think of you, you will never be happy.You have to base your self-standards on how God views you. He views you as a wonderfully and fearfully made child of His that He will always love no matter what you accomplish or do.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    You have a classic case of "Christian Wonderwoman." Take two doses of reality and call me in the morning. But seriously, Jesus said no to people. He told His disciples if the people don't accept what you say about me then leave and shake the dust off your feet as a sign to them. Your first ministry is to your husband and children. If you take precious time from them in order to try to meet the needs of people who are taking advantage of you I can promise you that your marriage and relationship with your children will suffer. And you're so called friends will not be there for you when this happens. Do not be a christian door mat. Shake the people who drain you and re-prioritize. You will be so glad you did and so will your family. Right now you are outside of God's will for your life. Get is back in it's proper order and you will again have peace. Take my advice, I am serving the Lord 32 years. Been there, done that.

  • You can't do it all and God does not expect you to, only what you're capable of giving. Did not Moses' father-n-law advise him to get help from others when he was burdened down with listening to all the problems of the Israelites and settling disputes and judicial cases? Exodus 18:15-22.

  • brmxld
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    Good Grief No. It's good that you want to be helpful but for God's sake don't kill yourself just to let someone use you all up. Sometimes people just take and take and take and it's too much because they never seem to have their fill. It's okay to take care of yourself and your family, Honey. If you neglect your own needs then you cannot logically help someone else with their issues.

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  • Galena
    Lv 4
    vor 10 Jahren

    Some "Christians" won't do near what you're doing. You are a good Christian. Don't beat yourself up because you feel taken advantage of at times. You probably are, but remember that your service to mankind will not go unrewarded. God bless you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 10 Jahren

    Wanna go and rape a thousand women, then go on a killing rampage, then go and start constructing pyramid schemes?

    Your answer? No?

    I thought so.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Many times, "no" is the correct answer.

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