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Is it cruel and egotistical for a person to teach religion to Children as fact?

As we all know there are and have been many religions, this means that it's statistically unlikely any of them are correct.

Is it therefore cruel to tell children horrible stories about a religion they are expected to believe? Is it egotistical to tell a child that your opinion is as good as fact?

As was once said, one person 'knows' no more about God than any other person. You may have read a religious text and be able to recite more of that particular religion, but as for 'knowing' Gods mind, that is something Nobody can possibly know. Is it egotistical to claim you do?


Rene O - That's just your religion, it's probably not real.

The question is, as there's no way you can possibly 'know' if your religion is real (you only believe) is it fair to teach your opinions as fact. Especially as it's likely that your wrong, do you think it's kind to teach children they're going to your Hell?

Update 2:

liwmld - 'Remiss in their parental responsibility'. My parents taught me it was my right to choose whether to believe in God or not; I decided not, and I thank them for letting me do it that way.

Teaching the 'Truth' is exactly what I'm talking about. I will teach my kids where France is on the map, the times tables, proper spelling and sentence formation. I will NOT teach them what I THINK is fact, I will tell them "this is what I think, you can make up your own mind".

And as for 'Knowing' God. You don't... You have read the Bible plenty and know lots about Christianity I'm sure, more than I do; but religions probably aren't true; there have been thousands of them. Were they all real, or all false?

Update 3:

Snow bird - I respect that statement. However the argument is still in my favour.

Evolution, science, biology is taught because it is considered 'Fact' and has been granted that title through years of experimentation. Religion is not taught as fact as it have no basis to hold that title, but it is taught. I was taught all the major religions at the age of 12 - 16, but I was not told I needed a 'Saviour'.

You are sinners and in need of a saviour? I disagree. We are animals, and are bound by the physical laws of the universe. When we are dead it won't make any difference.

If you truly 'Know' God, personally; if you actually have 'conversations' with it, why can you not 'prove' its existence? In 30 years I've had no need of any God (that I knew about), and that's not 'pride' it's an observation.

But again, this is all just based on your religion. You believe it's real, the majority don't.

Update 4:

Gary B - There have been thousands of religions, you have, say, a 1 in 5000 chance of being right. And that's just based on the religions, not reality. You can't assign a number to the odds one particular religion is actually correct. You could make up a million new religions, none of them would be any closer to getting it right.

If my children what to know about religion, I will explain the principle of the religion they want to know about as best I can. But i will be sure to tell them it's only a belief, and that if they want to believe it that's fine but they don't have to.

And just to clarify, I won't teach them anything about my own belief; if they ever ask I'll tell them, but until then it's not my place. Atheism is not a religion, it the absence of one. You don't 'teach' it.

God is a concept, that is the best way i know how to explain it.

22 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You asking two completely different questions there.

    Religion and God are not strictly the same thing.

    Teaching about a religion is not necessarily bad. Forcing them to follow a religion is a bad thing.

    Teaching a child about God (which is different then teaching them about religion) is a necessity. It is far, far, far more cruel and egotistical to not teach a child about God.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    children learn in any religion about commandments, rules, laws and that's a good thing. They learn to treat others like they want to have others treat them. They learn to respect their parents, etc.

    chidlren can and should learn a lot of things they can take away from religion and be permitted at age 18 to make their own choices (whether they want to stay with it or not) but during the learning they become mature.

    so in my opinion religion is a help to parents and not cruel or egotistical.

    Later in life they will learn that there was a maker of us all, learn to help their brother, be a good citizen, and especially to turn to their maker in tough times, maybe even times of illness. So the word egotistical doesn't even fit in the same sentence as religion, religion is not egotistical.

    And frankly I don't know what you mean about horrible stories. Explain yourself.

    And yes we know the history of religions and etymology. Maybe you need to research that for yourself.

    Seems you just want to argue with everyone. Frankly I don't care, I got my 2 points.

  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    Slept during your Statistic Class in High School, did you?

    Anyone familiar with statistics knows that the more samples you take, the MORE likely it is that at least one of them WILL BE CORRECT.

    You must have carried that nap into Comparative Religions, too. God's Mind IS knowable, but only when He tells us what He is thinking. This is called Revelation. God can REVEAL Himself to us.

    As for children, how can your children make up their OWN mind, make an informed and intelligent decision, unless they are given ALL the information? By NOT teaching religion, you deprive your children of more than half the possible facts. Therefore, it is ONLY your viewpoint that they will learn, a viewpoint that is based on preconceived notions, half truth, bias, and bigotry.

    Whether you believe there is a god really makes no difference to me. But the fact that you lie to your children, claiming to have presented a "non-egotistical" viewpoint, and that you lie to US by claiming to protect your children when in fact you fail to present them enough information to make a wise decision on their own is very much a concern of mine.

    Unless you teach your children about ALL possible religions, including Atheism, you have short changed their education, and damaged them in the possibility that god DOES exist.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I dont really stand by religion but my family has a religious background, yes it is egotistical to claim such things, nothing is fact, thats why its encouraged as a belief not political fact, believe what you like i say but to enforce as fact is far from right, you could read every religious document on this planet but you would be about as close to knowing the truth as a new born baby is, everyone is blind to the truth, and will always be as long as theres no proof/ factual evidence to stand by somones statement, if by saying its fact you disregard others beliefs and is wrong to do.

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  • vor 5 Jahren

    If you want to show your small kid to learn frequent phrases that'll likely run into and that are conditions to fundamental phonetic rules then things you need will be here , Children Learning Reading program.

     Children Learning Reading is a phonetic based studying system. Which means it first shows your child the letters of the alphabet and the looks they make. It then applies this understanding to help your child find out words on the basis of the sounds the letters make. This system is made to train the fundamental "code" for reading initially. Only following it has been mastered are exceptions, troubles, and variations introduced.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    No, it is cruel and egotistical NOT TO tell a child about Almighty God, the Creator of the universe and all that is within it.

    Every child will be taught about Evolution, science, biology etc, when they get to school, so where is the balance and how can a child make an informed decision about whether they will follow JEsus Christ as Saviour, if they have never heard of Him?

    We Christians know God personally and we have conversations with Him as He speaks to us also. Every child wants to know their physical Father, and just as much, every child of faith wants to know their spiritual heavenly Father.

    You only THINK nobody can possibly know the mind of God because you don't personally. You have no right to speak for us who do though. You are the egotistical one. You think you can live this life without God and Jesus Christ. That's because you are filled with pride.

    Christians admit that we are sinners in need of a Saviour.

    Don't presume to know everything about everyone ever again will you? Because take it from me, you don't.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Egads !! It is the right of parents to teach their children whatever they want to, as long as it doesn't break any civil laws.

    It is usually not done in a cruel or egotistical manner. -- of course, sometimes there are exceptions.

    edit: (((Gorgeous))) -- Is it brainwashing? Of course it is, but we learn most things, as young children, by a process of rote learning - which in effect is brainwashing.

    later on in life a child acquires and develops abstract reasoning and can make his or her own decisions.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Absolutely, cruel and egotistical!! (especially with children-it's sick!) It is our societies way of brainwashing, at a young age, people to believe in complete b.s. they should be teaching them facts: you know SCIENCE!!

    personal opinions and delusional beliefs do NOT equal TRUTHS!

  • vor 10 Jahren

    It shouldn't be taught as fact its like teaching kids about the adventures of the tooth fairy.

  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    All you have to do is read the Bible to know the basics of the mind of God and what he expects of us.

    You say it is wrong to teach religion and in the next paragraph you express a belief in God. You sound confused.

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