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Lv 6
? fragte in Family & RelationshipsFriends · vor 10 Jahren

My New Friend/Neighbour personality is so weird I want to run?

I have a friend/neighbour whom I have be friend-ed. I have known her for six months now. But, I am starting to feel uncomfortable around her. The reason is, is every time we hang out. She always has to hug me. She will say this. "Come here, give me a hug." But, she says it, to the point where I feel like she feels sorry for me or something. Or, as if I were a kid or something. Sometimes, I regret telling her my personal business. Because, she will make it seem like I am stupid for working it out with my husband. Not only that, when I had a miscarriage last month. She went on and on. Saying your so tough, how do you do it. Or, she will call me asking if I am feeling okay everyday sometimes. As if I am some sickly person or something. Just because I have epilepsy, doesn't mean I need to be asked that day after day. That is what I feel like telling her.

Also, she has depression. She is on depression medicine. At times, she can act so weird to me. If I knock on her door, to see if she wants to go to the gym, or go walking with the dogs. She will open her door, and not even invite me in. She claims her house is messy so she never lets me in sometimes. She will have her head sticking out with the door barely open. She complains her life is so miserable also. Sometimes, it is annoying. Because, she has a great business, she also does television commercials. She was also a beauty pageant winner years ago. Yet, her life is miserable. Which is annoying to hear people complain who have it great career wise. She also has admitted she has no female friends. Because, she is intimidated by women. Which makes me wonder does she only like me, because I am less attractive compared to her.

What do you all think?

4 Antworten

  • Meg
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I think we all have issues and complaints and nobody is perfect, and if we start being too choosy with friends, we'll end up with no friends at all. But when she says something to you that you do not like, let her know you don't, so that she stops asking you the same thing. And, if what she says or does bothers you so much, keep her friendship at a minimal but don't do it drastically after all you are neighbors, it will be very difficult to cut her off completely.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    I honestly do not know how to answer this. It sounds to me she needs company and a friend, which you provide for her. It could also be the meds shes on. Meds can do odd things to a persons personality/bahaviour. Maybe she thinks you`re fragile, ill and she feels sorry/safe with you. Its hard to say but maybe shes just trying to be nice. If you feel uncomfortable with her hugs, complaining and whatnots just tell her you are! Someone can`t know what they are doing wrong unless someone tells them they are doing something wrong. It also sounds as if shes alittle lonely and needs a shoulder to cry on. Be nice to her but express your opinions! Theres no harm in that. As for the more attractive bit its h ard to say because like you said she doesn`t have any female friends because of it and maybe shes not no shallow with people anymore so she`ll accept anyones friendship. Just have a talk with her about your uncertainties with her and ask questions like the ones you did here. Good luck

  • vor 10 Jahren

    I think you are the weird one. She sounds like she's a compassionate person. As far as the job thing, look what it did to Marilyn Monroe.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Move, get help yourself or get her help and do it fast.

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