Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.

Why would Yahoo post a question on the news board?

Yahoo posted a question from a Yahoo Answers user about what happened before the big bang.

Why do you think that a non-bias group would advertise such a controversial issue?

The lowest rated answers were from the religious section, claiming God did it; and the highest that it's unknowable.

I find it interesting that such a topic would be advertised as news and believe that there is a reason behind this. I won't say what i think is the reason but would be interested to hear what you think it is?

2 Antworten

  • MOSS
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I thought they would do it because of the star rating.

    If people are interested in it then advertising it isn't biased. For all we know, their system automatically chooses questions that have garnered a lot of interest without having their own view on it.

    Does bringing a discussion to light show that you are in favour of what most people are saying in that discussion?

    Or is bringing that discussion to light, giving you the opportunity to voice your opinion on the matter.

    During an election the news may report that one part is way ahead of another in the polls, does that mean the news is being biased reporting on something that everybody showed be interested in anyway?

  • vor 10 Jahren


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