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Why do they always delete the interesting questions?

The ones where people from both side of the fence ask questions about opinion, like "What would you do if God said this". From an agnostic point of view that question could be fascinating.

Why keep asking the same questions "Do you believe the Bible", "Prove that God exists". These don't stimulate interesting answers; just the same old denial due to lack of empirical evidence one one side and quotation and faith on the other.

With regards to the universe, isn't the question more interesting than the answer?

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Y!A is more political than it was designed to be. People ask questions but they don't really care about the answers given. They are fishing for a specific response. You could probably call it trolling. I took a break from the Politics category for that reason and came here, but honestly this place isn't much different.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Because you are dealing with a cross section of people. Some of them are on medication, several have had breakdowns, some know only fear and loathing, shame, denial, sexual frustration and kinky inclinations behind closed doors and net curtains (that's just the astronomy section). I sympathise with you because Im always wondering why morons bother to thumb down (I dont)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    Because Y!A is full of report monkeys.

    I've had questions reported because they apparently weren't questions.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I'm very offended. I think this question needs to be deleted.

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  • vor 10 Jahren

    hi that happened to me they keep on erasing my questions!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 10 Jahren

    I get angry when they delete juicy controversial ones.

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