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IS our Redemption Connected also to Creation ?/ If so where in scriptures can this be found?

I been reading about creation and stumbled upon it being related to Redemption , I really do not have all that time to do proper research at this time so WHO IN Yahoo Answers can give scriptural Evidence it is related or is not?

I will examine closely what scriptural evidence is show and will delete the question if all i get is smart remarks ok?


hello Shirley it not a bad answer dear but u forgot the references yes?/ good thing I know what you referring to already but in yahoo answers u need to be a witness and show where u found your answer at least in part ok??

Update 2:

oops sorry shirley I was not paying strict attention ,, my bad !I give u my humble apology I really like that answer too..

Update 3:

crimeny tree top that does not answer the question if redemption and creation are intermingled or connected does it?? Look close at your answer here and see where it is mentioned please? ,

I am not some crack pot asking a question for no reason so show it more consideration and add to it if u can for Shirley added more details to her answer that was magnificent and I was not expecting that much detail..

Update 4:

I recognize what shirley is stating here and I can not find any fault in the reasoning . their is nothing their that i see that has been taken out of context either ,, .. If no-one else can add a clearer explanation then I am honor bound to give her the recognition for her answer she deserves for taking the time to be as precise as one can expect . I give it 1 more day .

Update 5:

Rescued by S. O C ;;;; I see what u mean and thanks for the scripture references I also see where u coming from and yep Thanks for the humble approach. .hmmm it was well stated and factual 2 bad i cant split the reward ,

4 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    After David's great sin, that showed everybody that in spite of all that great preaching and singing in the Psalms he wrote he could be as nasty as any of us (I'll reference it below in case you've forgotten), after that, when he was horrified, too, at what he had done, He prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 Knowing that the One who wants to Redeem us is actually our Creator gives us confidence that not only can he cover our sins, but he can even make our hearts new, by his creative power.

    In Leviticus 31:31-33 when God describes "The New Covenant" for our salvation He tells how it's only by His creative power that we can do right. Our promises ("All that the Lord hath spoken, we will do" Exodus 19:8) are worthless without the Higher Power.

    That's why the sign He designated to identify His people is the same celebration time He set aside when the world was created. (Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, ) That's why the call to "fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come" is followed with instructions on how to do it: "and worship him that made heaven and earth, and the sea and the fountains of waters." (Revelation 14:6-7)

    That's why it's so precious to me to know that we'll be keeping the Sabbath throughout eternity. (Isaiah 66:22,23) Not just because, no matter how busy we are, we'll all take the time to get together and enjoy each other and be more directly in God's presence. But because, with the scars on Jesus' hands telling everybody what it took to redeem us, we also need something, a perpetual, recurring reminder, saying He's still glad we were born. Our redeemer plans to tell everybody, forever, that making this wayward world is still something he wants to remember.

    "This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." 2 Corinthians 13:1 ;) But it's everywhere He shows us who He is: our Creator is our Redeemer. Our past, present and future are secure in the mighty hands of the God who loves and wants us, who planned for us and has the power to change anything for the better.

    Quelle(n): David's great sin is in II Samuel 11 and 12. His repentance prayer is in Psalm 51.
  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    MJ, I hope this humble answer will do your question justice.

    Yes, it is. After the fall of man, our Redeemer comes from the bloodline of Eve not Adam.

    Interestingly, when God tells Adam and Eve His plan to redeem mankind (Gen. 3:15), He says the Redeemer will be from "her Seed." So, even though Eve was the first to sin, through her descendants would come mankind's Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Sin is attributed to Adam (because of his leadership role), and so spreads to all people, men and women. Redemption comes through the offspring of Eve: the Messiah.

    Gen. 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you (Satan) and the woman, And between your seed and HER SEED; He (Jesus Christ) shall bruise your head, And you (Satan) shall bruise His heel.”

    Quelle(n): The New Open Bible Study Edition, NKJV
  • vor 10 Jahren

    no we are all born into this world dead in our sin,(romans 5:12) in need of life and the only life that is available to anyone is found in Jesus, (1 john 5:11,13)

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    I don't know whether these are what you have in mind:

    Isaiah 43

    1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called [thee] by thy name; thou [art] mine.

    1Corinthians 15

    22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

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