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Jes' havin' fun. Hope you are too.
What's the best way to take care of sticking piano keys?
2 AntwortenClassicalvor 7 JahrenHow do you calculate odds?
We used to do it in algebra class, but I don't remember.
2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 JahrenIs there Any way to tighten up the seal on my refrigerator?
It's only gapping for a couple of inches, and it's not broken in any way. I think something happened when we moved it. Getting a new seal seems about as expensive as replacing the refrigerator!
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 JahrenMy Yahoo inbox used to have a "what's new" heading. What happened to that?
It used to select the e-mails from people I know. Now it's all just a swamp...
1 AntwortAbuse and spamvor 8 JahrenYahoo e-mail recently emptied all my e-mail folders w/ no warning, but kept my account, thank goodness.?
Any idea where all that stuff went? Do you suppose I exceeded some "legal limit"? Is there en efficient protocol for transferring stuff out of there en masse?
2 AntwortenPassword and Sign Invor 8 JahrenHi! I can't find the "reply" button on my "new" Yanoo mail. Can you help?
3 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 8 JahrenHow can I make layers in a Word document?
I want to make some big fat numbers in light colors layered over the writing in the document so that the writing shines through. I did it years ago but can't remember how. Thanks so much for the help!
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 9 JahrenOn a cello, how far should the strings be from the keyboard?
I think my bridge is too high. Now that I'm in the upper positions, my fingers are tearing up, and the string I'm playing on is lower than the others, so my bow is having trouble playing the correct string.
3 AntwortenClassicalvor 9 JahrenWhat's wrong with being submissive?
Sounds like a rare quality that could be in high demand. Energy contained is always more powerful.
10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenIs popcorn genetically modified today, too?
1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 9 JahrenHow do you reconcile 1 Kings 8:13 with 1 Kings 8:30?
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenDo you wash your outside dogs? How often?
4 AntwortenDogsvor 9 JahrenHow come nobody mentions how scary it looks to see someone not from your neighborhood in a hoodie, w/ a cell?
Wouldn't it be good to teach kids that sometimes it's safest Not to look like a thug?
9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 JahrenBlue spots on your lips - what does that mean?
I saw them on Ted Kennedy and on my friend at the nursing home right before they died.
4 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 9 JahrenEmergency room costs in your location?
My friend says if you walk in the Emergency Room (Florida) it's $800 before they do anything. (I.e., anything they do costs extra, starting there.)
1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 9 JahrenDo you think Yahoo's using prostitution to finance Y/A R&S?
We seem to be the only section with "deleted" call girl ads cluttering "fewest answers."
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenWhy does Yahoo leave so much deleted garbage cluttering up Y/A?
What exactly does "delete" mean? That we have to keep tripping over obscene questions but can't even respond with cute answers?
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenIs any other department of Y/A used as a call girl service, or only R&S?
Push the "fewest answers" category and see what you see.
Maybe the idea is to get a cleaner product here?
Or that the regulars here will be too gentle to complain?
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenSometimes people contact me through Y/A. How do they do it?
I'd like to personally tell someone their answer was Great!
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren