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J-Spill fragte in HealthMental Health · vor 10 Jahren

Do you believe ADHD is a real thing? is it overprescribed?

All these new slogans "drug your kids". It just seems over sold and over prescribed. My brother was supposed to get medicated for ADHD but my mom yelled at em and said no. Now he's 19 and totally normal. So tell me, is it a real thing? if it truely is, is it over-prescribed?

3 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    from my point of view, i think it really isn't a "real thing", i just think kids with adhd just don't pay attention, but if there was more to it than that, i'll still won't believe its a real disorder. I know this is going to draw negative attention but just giving my honest opinion. (^-^)

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    who has the slogan that says "drug your kids"

    i have had adhd for a long time and i never heard anyone tell my parents to drug me.

    edit: if adhd isnt real then what do i suffer from every day?

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Yes, ADHD is real. I have ADHD. And my meds really helped me- I'd be a lot more annoying, have much more trouble focusing, and probabally never sit still if it werent for my meds.

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