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lovely fragte in Games & RecreationGambling · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

celebrity gambling losses?

i'll try to keep this as simple as possible. what is a realistic amount of money that could be lost by a celebrity gambling in vegas for one weekend? this person is not a professional/ habitual gambler. say they were just having a bad night. what would be a shock value amount of money for them to lose? i've never gambled in vegas. not even sure how much money you can blow. this is for a story i'm writing.

3 Antworten

  • pdq
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    A person doesn't have to be a habitual gambler to suddenly snap at a casino. If a person with access to lots of money were to go on a bad streak and "snap", I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they lost a million dollars or perhaps more.

    Imagine that the casino has extended them a line of credit. Perhaps it's just $50K. They blow that, and ask for another $50K. Then another 50, then another 50. They are so frustrated, they are not keeping track of the amount of times they've asked the casino to give them another 50. Then it's 2 or 3 $100,000 requests. The casino knows this person makes millions of dollars per year, so they just keep feeding him chips.

    Finally it's time to go, and only then does the celebrity realize he's gone over the million dollar mark.

    He climbs in the limo and crawls into a bottle of scotch.

    This is not too far-fetched in my opinion. I'm sure it actually happens from time to time.

  • vor 5 Jahren


    Quelle(n): Powerful Winning Betfair Strategy :
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've seen Dennis Rodman lose over 100k at a craps table at the Mirage. I've seen Larry Flynt lose 400k at the blackjack tables at Ceasars.

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