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I've decided not to come onto Yahoo! Answers anymore. This site has been littered with viruses for quite some time.

  • In Excel, can you create an If Then formula that mathematically affects the result of a different cell?

    Example: I have 42 answers in a survey. Every answer is either "a" or "b".

    If Answer 1 is "a", then I want cell A45 to add 1 to its total. If Answer 1 is "b", then instead I want cell A46 to add 1 to its total.

    If Answer 2 is "a", then I want cell A47 to add 1 to its total. If Answer 2 is "b", then instead I want cell A49 to add 1 to its total.

    If Answer 3 is "a", then I want cell A49 to add 1 to its total. If Answer 3 is "b", then instead I want cell A45 to add 1 to its total.

    So by the end of the 42 answers, there are going to be a number of cells (7 to be exact) which have a specific count of how many times an If Then statement has added 1 to that cell.

    Is this possible? In summary, I want a formula that says this: "If cell A1 = "a" Then cell A45 = A45+1". I just don't know the syntax or if this is even possible in Excel.

    If it's not possible, does anyone have any other ideas?

    4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 3 Jahren
  • Anyone else annoyed by the video advertisements on Yahoo! lately?

    Every time one comes on, I can no longer type to answer a question. I could be typing away just fine, then everything freezes. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, but now it's clear that every time the video advertisement begins, everything freezes up.

    If Yahoo! doesn't get rid of this, I think that'll be the end of my time spent on any of their websites.

    6 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 Jahren
  • Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers suspend people's accounts anymore for sexually explicit harassment?

    I've been harassed for 6 years straight by the same person. He's had over a dozen profiles suspended, but like a weed, he keeps coming back.

    Here is an example of the latest attack: (You'll see it obviously in one of the answers unless someone had it removed.)

    This is extremely sexually explicit, it borders on hate speech against gays, and it is a sexually explicit attack harassing me, too.

    I used to be able to have posts like this removed by reporting them, but my reports go unnoticed lately. Does anyone have any information regarding how to stop a lowlife cyberbully like this?

    8 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 5 Jahren
  • Surface Pro - In Microsoft Word 2016, how do I use the pen to SELECT text?

    In Word 2013 or earlier, when I would swipe my Surface Pen across text, it would select the text. Since the 2016 update, when I try using the Pen, it INKS the page instead of selecting text.

    I imagine this is a great feature for most folks; however, that's not the way I've been using the Pen. I want to SELECT text using the Pen.

    Any idea how to do this? Thanks for any ideas.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 5 Jahren
  • Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers suspend folks' account for sexually explicit content and harassment anymore?

    For over a month I've been e-mailing Yahoo! Answers about daily harassment by one person. The harassment almost always includes sexually explicit content.

    Please don't tell me to change my profile name. That doesn't change the fact that Yahoo! Answers used to care about the decency of the language used on this forum, and now they don't.

    I'm just wondering why they've changed their policy.

    11 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • Should people who use sexually explicit and extremely vulgar language be allowed on Yahoo! Answers?

    I've written to Yahoo! Answers 9 times since 2015 began and still have had no action taken.

    Last time I asked a similar question, the response from many was to "change my profile name", or "go away from Yahoo! Answers for a while". These are not acceptable solutions in my opinion.

    It used to be that if someone was harassing you, you could let someone at Y!A know and they would suspend the profile. Has this policy changed? Has Yahoo! simply abandoned these forums completely?

    7 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • How do I stop almost daily sexually explicit attacks on Yahoo! Answers?

    I've been reporting attacks from a vicious person for 4 years. His latest profile has been around for about 1 year. After such a long time reporting this person, I don’t believe I should have to stand for this anymore.

    I used to be able to contact Yahoo! Answers, and they would help me. They suspended the person's account a few times when he wouldn't stop.

    Since 2015 began, I have written Yahoo! Answers 8 times with no response.

    What should I do? The person uses extremely sexually explicit and offensive language in nasty personal attacks against me and others. (Mostly me.). Sometimes he also uses hate speech against blacks and gay people, too.

    How do I get ahold of someone that can help? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers remove profiles of people who post sexually explicit comments?

    I'm not talking about someone posting a comment in the "Men's Health" section where the topic might be sex. I'm talking about blatant attacks on other members in which sexually explicit comments are consistently being used.

    I have been attacked by the same person for 5 years now. In the past, I could e-mail someone from Yahoo! Answers and they would remove the person's profile. Now I get no response.

    Yes, I can report each individual answer, but that's not my point. After how many sexually explicit attacks should this person's profile be removed? Since this latest profile went live, it's been hundreds of attacks against me.

    Any insight into what I can do would be greatly appreciated.

    Yahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers remove profiles of people who post sexually explicit comments?

    I'm not talking about someone posting a comment in the "Men's Health" section where the topic might be sex. I'm talking about blatant attacks on other members in which sexually explicit comments are consistently being used.

    I have been attacked by the same person for 5 years now. In the past, I could e-mail someone from Yahoo! Answers and they would remove the person's profile. Now I get no response.

    Yes, I can report each individual answer, but that's not my point. After how many sexually explicit attacks should this person's profile be removed? Since this latest profile went live, it's been hundreds of attacks against me.

    Any insight into what I can do would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • Should hate speech be allowed on Yahoo! Answers?

    When folks answer questions by bashing gay people and using highly sexually explicit material, should that be allowed?

    I reported an answer but the answer remains.


    6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 6 Jahren
  • Why won't Internet Explorer app show on my home screen in Windows 8.1?

    I just installed Windows 8.1 onto a computer that's about 1 year old. It used to have Windows 7.

    I like Windows 8.1 on my other devices, and I like the different functionality of the Internet Explorer app that comes on the Home screen of my other devices. (It's the one where you can just swipe the screen backward or forward to go back and forth between recent webpages. It also doesn't have any menus at the top of the screen.)

    When I installed 8.1 on my computer, I didn't get the IE app on my Home screen. In fact, it's not listed anywhere when I pull up all my apps, and I can't find it in the app store either.

    Any thoughts on where it is or how to get it?

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 Jahren
  • AppData folder - can you explain something?

    I have Windows Vista on my wife's computer, and I've cleaned up a lot of unnecessary files and programs. I'm still looking to save some disk space, so I've been exploring where the waste is coming from.

    Over 46 GB of space is being used inside an "AppData" folder. I did some more digging and found that 43 GB is all due to one folder: C:\Users\PDQ\AppData\Local\Microsoft

    Here's the strangest thing - When looking inside that folder, I only found 5 subfolders. NONE of those folders held anything more than 111 MB! There were a few other files that were all quite small in size.

    2 questions - First, WHERE are the 43 GB that are supposedly inside this folder?!? More importantly, can I delete this folder without causing havoc?

    Thanks for any information you can provide.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 Jahren
  • Why does my Desktop appear whenever I close an app in Windows 8.1?

    It used to be that when I closed an app in Windows 8.1, the "Start" screen would appear. That's the screen where it displays all the apps.

    Now, no matter what app I close out, it brings me to my Desktop! I don't want my Desktop to appear! I use my Desktop for some things, but most of my work lately has been app-based.

    Currently, the Desktop appears, then I have to close the Desktop in order to get back to my Start screen.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 7 Jahren
  • How do I turn a software DVD into a file that can be executed without a DVD drive on another computer?

    So I've got a piece of software that came on a DVD. I want to run and install that program on a tablet computer, but I don't have an external DVD drive to install it.

    Can I use my desktop computer to turn the DVD software into an executable file? I know I've seen this with other software. One piece I have on DVD and on a file, and if you double click the file, it's just as if you opened up the DVD software. It's identical, and it installs identical.

    So is there a way to turn a software DVD into an executable file that will allow me to install the program?

    Thanks for any help you can offer. I know, I know - External DVD drives are cheap. I ought to just go buy one, but I really don't think I need it.

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 7 Jahren
  • Vertical reading with Kindle app for iPad?

    I have an iPad mini, and my wife wants to use it for reading books. I bought her a book on Amazon, and downloaded the Kindle app so she could read it.

    The problem - When the book displays, it only allows her to read it by holding the iPad sideways. (Horizontally.) She doesn't want to hold it that way. She wants to hold it vertically. Other books I've gotten can be rotated by 90 degrees any which way you want, but not this book.

    Is this a common thing - only being able to read an e-book horizontally? Does this happen with some e-books but not others?

    Most important - If there are some books that can only be read horizontally, is there a way to know this before buying it?!?

    Thanks for any help you might have to offer.

    3 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 7 Jahren
  • Minecraft, Viruses, & Apple products?

    All-in-one question, folks. A relative of mine is tired of getting viruses on their PC while playing Minecraft. A have a few questions, and I would greatly appreciate any information:

    #1 - Should playing Minecraft cause viruses on a PC?

    #2 - Can you play ALL VERSIONS and ALL ASPECTS of Minecraft on Apple products? My understanding is that there are different ways in which you can play Minecraft. I don't play it, so I don't even understand that. My understanding is that you can create games, or you can play the game in different ways. Maybe you can fill me in on what that means. Most important - I need to know if you can play Minecraft in all its variations on various Apple products. MacBooks? iPads? What else? Any limitations with Apple?

    #3 - Is there anything you can do to prevent viruses attacking while playing Minecraft on a PC?

    #4 - Is there any risk of viruses on Apple products?

    THANK YOU for any help you might be able to offer!!! It's greatly appreciated, and equally appreciated if folks wouldn't just speculate without actually knowing what they're talking about.

    6 AntwortenSecurityvor 7 Jahren
  • Minecraft, Viruses, & Apple products?

    All-in-one question, folks. A relative of mine is tired of getting viruses on their PC while playing Minecraft. A have a few questions, and I would greatly appreciate any information:

    #1 - Should playing Minecraft cause viruses on a PC?

    #2 - Can you play ALL VERSIONS and ALL ASPECTS of Minecraft on Apple products? My understanding is that there are different ways in which you can play Minecraft. I don't play it, so I don't even understand that. My understanding is that you can create games, or you can play the game in different ways. Maybe you can fill me in on what that means. Most important - I need to know if you can play Minecraft in all its variations on various Apple products. MacBooks? iPads? What else? Any limitations with Apple?

    #3 - Is there anything you can do to prevent viruses attacking while playing Minecraft on a PC?

    #4 - Is there any risk of viruses on Apple products?

    THANK YOU for any help you might be able to offer!!! It's greatly appreciated, and equally appreciated if folks wouldn't just speculate without actually knowing what they're talking about.

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 Jahren
  • Minecraft, Viruses, & Apple products?

    All-in-one question, folks. A relative of mine is tired of getting viruses on their PC while playing Minecraft. A have a few questions, and I would greatly appreciate any information:

    #1 - Should playing Minecraft cause viruses on a PC?

    #2 - Can you play ALL VERSIONS and ALL ASPECTS of Minecraft on Apple products? My understanding is that there are different ways in which you can play Minecraft. I don't play it, so I don't even understand that. My understanding is that you can create games, or you can play the game in different ways. Maybe you can fill me in on what that means. Most important - I need to know if you can play Minecraft in all its variations on various Apple products. MacBooks? iPads? What else? Any limitations with Apple?

    #3 - Is there anything you can do to prevent viruses attacking while playing Minecraft on a PC?

    #4 - Is there any risk of viruses on Apple products?

    THANK YOU for any help you might be able to offer!!! It's greatly appreciated, and equally appreciated if folks wouldn't just speculate without actually knowing what they're talking about.

    5 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • What is the exact procedure to enter character codes?

    I have a character code that says: 0xCE

    How exactly do I make that work for me? I think it involves the Alt key, but I can't make it work. I want to use the code in Word.

    For example, I know if you hold the Alt key and hit the "3" on the number pad, then release them both at the same time you get: ♥

    What's the procedure if the code says: 0xCE ???

    This is an "Opus" font, by the way. It's part of a music notation program called "Sibelius". I can get most Opus characters fine in a Word document, but I can't make a Quarter Rest. That's where the code 0xCE comes in. Supposedly, if I have the Opus font, that code will give me a Quarter Rest while I'm in Word.

    Thank you for any help you might be able to give.

    3 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 8 Jahren
  • Why am I losing documents on SkyDrive?

    At first I thought it was just an anomaly. I opened an Excel file on the web-based version of SkyDrive, made a couple changes, saved the changes, and closed the document.

    Later, when trying to retrieve my synchronized computer-based file, the file wouldn't open. The file was corrupted and lost for good. Going back to the web-based SkyDrive didn't help.

    OK, now it's happened again to a Word document. I opened it yesterday in the web-based SkyDrive (through my Hotmail website), and after synchronization had already been completed, I couldn't open the file from my computer! Fortunately, this time I was able to go to the web-based version and download the file. I didn't lose it this time.

    Is this the sort of reliability I can always count on from SkyDrive? Do people lose files to corruption when editing and opening the web-based version of SkyDrive? Am I missing some important step?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AntwortMSNvor 8 Jahren