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Lv 5
bommel fragte in Society & CultureHolidaysEaster · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Looking for a typical English children song for Easter?


I am looking for a typical English children song for Easter. I would like to sing it with my pupils in grade 2, they are learning english since last summer. Is there anybody who could provide me with title ? That would be so nice.

And, if anybody has a short nursery rhyme for Easter, do not hesitate to send it to me :-)

Thanks in advance.

7 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I think an Alleluia song is simple and fitting.

    Here is one example:

    "Halle, halle, halle" a Traditional Caribbean Song

    With love in Christ.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Blue or hazel eyes, blonde to mousy hair colour. Pale skin colour. Demure and polite. Slim build 24 inch waist average, 5ft 5 ins tall. Dont really think nowadays there is an ideal English typical, due to so many factors, main one being foreign parentage, which immediately rattles the cage of skin and eye colour. Diet and dress follows closely.

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Rhymes for easter:

    Five little Easter eggs, lovely colors wore,

    Mother ate the blue one, then there were four.

    Four little Easter eggs, two and two you see,

    Daddy ate the red one, then there were three.

    Three little Easter eggs, before I knew,

    Sister ate the yellow one, then there were two.

    Two little Easter eggs, oh what fun,

    Brother ate the purple one, then there was one.

    One little Easter egg, see me run,

    I ate the green one, then there were none.

    children act out this rhyme

    Can you make a rabbit

    With two ears, so very long

    hold up fingers

    And let him hop, hop, hop about


    On legs so small and strong?

    He nibbles, nibbles carrots

    act out

    For his dinner every day;

    As soon as he has had enough

    He scampers fast away!

    hop on all fours

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    'Jesus rode a Donkey into town' is quite a sweet song - but only if the children are Christian in religious believes.

    I believe the words are

    Jesus rode a Donkey into town

    Many folks came from miles around.

    What a sight to see!

    A man who sets men free!

    Riding on a Donkey into town.

    We used to sing that at school - and we'd make palms out of green paper and wave them as we sang.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Jesus lover me maybe ?

    Happy Easter

  • Shaun
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    "This Little Light of Mine" is a pretty easy one, and it's easily editable, so if you wanted to shorten it, or add different stuff to could do it easily enough.

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    Hide it under a bushel? No!

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Hide it under a bushel? No!

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Hide it under a bushel? No!

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    Don't let Satan blow it out,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Don't let Satan blow it out,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Don't let Satan blow it out,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    Shine all over

    [name of town]

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Shine all over

    [name of town]

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Shine all over

    [name of town]

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    Let it shine til Jesus comes,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine til Jesus comes,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine til Jesus comes,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    This little light of mine,

    I'm gonna let it shine

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine,

    Let it shine.

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