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So who has actually seen a candidate for their local elections?
I've only recieved a leaflet and a knock on my door from one (Cons)... and he lives in the same village as me and therefore has no excuse not to leaflet and/or canvas at the doorstep.
Just wondering... because it's been a very quiet local election... and seeing as this is the important 'mid term' local elections... it is rather odd.
5 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 JahrenWhat were the April Fool's Day Stories in the Daily Mail?
Just wondering, as I didn't manage to get my hands on a Daily Mail today - and I always enjoy the joke stories they put in - so if anyone knows, I'd be grateful if you give me a quick rundown.
7 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do you think? Wrong or Right?
Parents lost their battle to win back their children, wrongly taken away from them and put up for adoption.
Just wondering what everyone else thought about it.
27 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt