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How can americans be proud of their country?

No offense.

I am german, so I know at least one reason.

But, on the other hand, how can you be proud of your country when so many things go wrong and are done wrong all around the world? Of course, you are the strongest country in the world and understanding yourself as the "world police" could be something to be proud of, if it were for the sake of the world, for equality and freedom. But this issue also seems to be the biggest problem you are facing, because more and more of the world has turned against this/your claim, caused by the foreign policies that actually miss that point of equality and freedom.

What is it that makes you so proud of your country?


And heres another question for the ones that cant be proud any more: Do you think, this pride is caused by "wellplayed" patriotism, or even nationalism? Is this pride subjective, individual or is it a part of the culture? Do you think, this patriotism is dangerous? Does it lead to that misundertandings of freedom and equality in the foreign policies?


As I said, i do not want to offend anybody, although i do have my own - and quite clear - opinion of your (foreign policies), id rather want to understand what "the people" think about american policies.

Last question: Do you think, yahoo answers in america is representative or is it overrun by, lets say, republicans/democrats and their sole point of view?




Thanx for the answers so far.

@the one: I dont think it is a matter of language so i still dont understand: I have already read a lot of answers saying something like "i was born and raised here". First of all i am asking myself if you would say the same when you were born in Iran (using the clearest opposite right now...), would you? Anyways, being proud relates to a certain overwhelming act and although giving birth might be seen as one of these (^^), your statement misses out on that one "pride-creating" act (e.g. of humanism).

Look, i was born in germany but this alone doesnt make me proud of being german, because it is only a lucky cirsumstance. Right now i do feel proud that we have found the leading role in the pollution issue all over the world, but this IS an act, a movement, something, germany has achieved, as a shingin example whatsoever.

@draconis: I absolutely disagree on the main topic of your answer, but i think, thats caused by a different socialization. No

Update 2:

need to argue about that.

But... From your answer i can understand that you believe in the self-reliance of every individual in the world, right? But if you say and believe so, what the heck do you need politicians for? Sure, one person alone cant stand up to all the problems he might face, you will surely agree on this. So you group together in a bigger group to solve any problem. And this again leads to the problem, that there should be some institution which is able to help those who got in need without their own fault? Which includes not only to protect but also to serve?

Do i understand you right, that you are telling me you cant be proud cause america is helping too many other countries? (by the way, related to the gdp, the usa has never been a "do-gooder")

9 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    maybe you should stop worrying too much about americans all together and focus on your life and what really matters.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I am an American Nationalist, and am proud of my country. I am proud of our past, and what we have accomplished as a nation. Do I agree with us being the "world's police force"...No. Are there things we need to get involved in sometimes, of course, but not as much as we have. I personally think we should've stayed out of Bosnia for one. We had no business or real need to get involved with that. I am also not proud of the fact that out government is being run by lobbyists and not the people we elect to run it.

    In the U.S. we have a predominantly 2 party system (Republicans and Democrats) so you are either going to get the far right view or the far left view. You can easily tell on here who is who.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I am proud of my country because I was born and raised here. We have problems in this country right now because there are a lot of corrupt politicians in the government.

    I am not proud of the corrupt politicians in the government but proud of a place where I was born, raised, a place where it had everything to do with my life.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I find it somewhat annoying when the U.S. is criticized for handling it's business in regards to it's overseas interests. But whenever there's a crisis in the world, natural or otherwise, the U.S. is all but expected to be one of the, if not the first one there and do the heavy lifting. It's like the rest of world wants to do what's convenient for them, when it's convenient for them. Can you imagine what the international backlash would've been if following the earthquake in Haiti for example, the U.S. just said "**** them, they're on their own, we're not going to do anything"? It seems that when we are protecting our interests we're warmongers, if we were to decline offer assistance, we're greedy, and if we speak out on something we're accused of imposing ourselves on other country's business. It's a no-win situation.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i'm an American and what it is is our politicians have stuck there giant noses in peoples business to damn much. I say they need to stop the bull **** and just bring everybody back here to American that's oversea. We built this country from scratch without help. I don't want to sound cruel but other countries who have our help should solve there problems themselves. If your starving then grow food or hunt. If you need money then get a job. if your house burns down then build another one. (this is mostly for 3rd world countries.) evolve to survive. stagnate and die. good saying. (i agree with The One also. there are many corrupt assholes in congress.) I'm proud of my country for when it actually stood for justice and peace for all. Not so much today though. Not until we get things fixed in congress on both sides.

    Quelle(n): my own thoughts.
  • vor 4 Jahren

    severe prevalent of residing quite low taxes (for now) an prolonged checklist of own freedoms opposite to customary theory, we've a good well-being care gadget Arguably the international's proper military, no different usa in international can compete with us in commonplace conflict. no longer even China. we are in a position to pass with a sparkling president without needing riots we are in a position to have carrying events without the killing of referees or the collapsing of stadiums.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    by respecting other couintries sovereignty by not stimulating reactionary and rightist coup d'état against l democratically elected governments, even if they are leftist ones.

    Respect your own people, including the black population and other ethnic groups such as Latin Americans, indians, gipsies.and so on.

    Stop trying to be the world's gendarme.

    Just live and let others live!

    Giovanni Sbrocca

    Quelle(n): The experience I've' gathered through the USA ilegal actions in the whole world, not to mention in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN. Stop meddling into other countries affairs.. Giovanni Sbrocca...
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Founding Fathers: They SHOULDN'T be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BELIEVE in Your COUNTRY by Stompin' Tom Connors

    Founding Fathers: If you don't BELIEVE your COUNTRY

    george, dick & condi: should come BEFORE YOURSELF.

    rummy: You can BETTER serve your COUNTRY!!!!

    george, dick & condi: By LIVING SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!

    Soldiers: We didn't PLAN of LIVING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Canadians: And if YOU should find

    Japanese, Dutch, British, FRENCH & Portuguese: YOUR heaven!!!!!!

    Iraqis: Where STARS and STRIPES are FLOWN!!

    Founding Fathers: You MUST!!!! be ******* KIDDING us!!!

    Franken: And you WONDER why they HATE us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • greta
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I am proud of my country for trying to aspire to equality. freedom and human dignity even though we sometimes fail.

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