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jennifer484 fragte in HealthOther - Health & Beauty · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Question about short-sightedness?

Hi there,

I am 26 years old and work in marketing (on a computer, round about 9 hours a day and often use the computer at home as well.)

2 years ago I had an eye exam with perfect results. I had a stressful time (no idea if that means anything) but I had an eye test today and I am -0.75 on both eyes now and noticed that I cannot read things in the distance very well (that's why I had the eye test in the first place)

The optician did not consult me very well I don't think.....

Does this mean I have to wear glasses every day for everything or just driving, reading, tv, work etc?

Any help is appreciated.


3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    -0.75 is quite a 'small' lens prescription - I am short-sighted as well, and when my prescription was this low I only wore glasses when I really needed to, e.g. when trying to read writing on the whiteboard at the front of the room, etc. Over time my eyesight got worse and I had to wear my glasses more often.

    I think that if you are coping well enough without glasses now, there is no need to suddenly start wearing them all the time, every day. You mentioned that you can't read things in the distance very well - in this instance, having a pair of glasses to slip on, even if only for a few moments, can be extremely useful.

    If you are concerned about the eye test you had, I strongly recommend a second opinion. I have noticed differences between opticians, to the point where I have had a second eye test soon after the first and been given a different prescription. Unfortunately, most places charge. Boots is one of the more expensive places, but has consistently carried out thorough eye tests in my experience. You mentioned that you've been stressed - the eye test won't be affected by stress itself, but the stress you feel may affect the way you respond to different aspects of the test. It's impossible to know if this is the case without taking a second test for comparison.

    In short, you don't need to worry about making a drastic change such as wearing glasses all the time. Eventually, though, you may find it necessary if your eyesight gets worse. It won't be as hard to make the transition as you think - there are lots of attractive, inconspicuous glasses frames out there.

    I've included a link below with some information about reducing computer related eye strain. If you are truly short-sighted, you can't reverse this, but you can take steps to reduce the impact your computer use has on your eyes.

    Hope this helps!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i have problem with distance therefor have to wear a pair for close up work i.e computer and sewing or reading and a pair for distance your optician should have explained this to you. not very well informed I don't think.

    Quelle(n): a word of advice if you have to get a second pair for reading go for a cheap frame as you wear distance more than anything so these need to look more atrractive.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes u will need special glasses to help your vision, i sympathise with you has i have the same problem in my left eye, my opticians made the left Lens more magnified so i could see more clearer and bring things closer, as it gets weaker as we grow older. my right lens on my glasses help me see things in the proper length to items. you might eventually require 2 sets of glasses in which i have worn over 40 years.

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