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When you growing up. What do you feel if you see/hear that a sibling from you got a spanking?

and what was with teasing?

And Please no pro/against spanking blabla

5 Antworten

  • Moni
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    When my older sister got spanked I mostly felt that she deserved it and hoped that she'd get it good and long. I know, not a sign of good character. But she got away with much too much, so whenever she got over mom's knee it was more than deserved!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    All depends on the circumstances.

    If they have done something that hurt me then seeing them over the knee would make me feel very happy at them being punished.

    If we were in trouble together then i would be very afraid because i will soon be getting the same treatment.

    If the spanking is normal (i.e. i am not involved in any of it) i would most likely not care unless it was bare bottom in which case i might tease her about it later and be amused at the fact her naked behind's being spanked.

    My sister and I tease each other because as siblings it is our job to make fun at one another's embarrassing moments. I mean if my sister has just gotten a bare butt spanking and is standing in the corner with her underwear around her ankles i can't help but, the moment mum and dad are out of earshot, tease her. We even take a photo and use it to blackmail each other. Teasing is part of being a sibling

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm an only child so I never had the chance to see or hear a sibling being spanked, much less tease them about it. However I have done that with my cousins when I've been around when they got spanked.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, this is what went through my mind when my mom did something like that to my brother...."SH*T CALL 911! MY MOM'S GONE CRAZY!" Or sometimes it was this. "Bi**h get the F*CK OUT MY FACE!" Lol, I was a gangster baby! (Baby goo ga ga)

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


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