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Dynamic equalizer for treble correction on a live concert recording?

I would need your expert knowledge ;-)

I've made a sound recording from a live concert, and noticed afterwards that occasionally someone moved between microphone and speakers, and the trebles dropped as if a door was closed in between...

What would you recommend to use to automatically adjust (amplify) the trebles? (is it called dynamic equalizing?)

Which programs would you recommend? Maybe even which function inside a specific program?

Thanks alot in advance!!

Should I upload a sample from the recording?

1 Antwort

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I don't know of a program that can do that automatically. What you might be able to do is to use a multiband compressor to compress all frequency ranges independently, followed by a regular (broadband) compressor to even out the overall dynamics. The multiband would reduce the bass when the singer is moving, so in that time your bass and treble will be equal, and then the broadband will bring that whole section's level up to match the rest of the performance.

    Quelle(n): Sound engineer
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