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Lv 31.129 points

Björn Eberhardt

Favorisierte Antworten76%
  • Looking for a video tutorial for Sony Vegas / After Effects scrolling the scene "through the ground/ceiling"?

    I'm looking for a __tutorial__ or a __good example__ how it could be done: While a scene (say it is a landscape) has been taken from a fixed camera position, portions of the image will be scaled accordingly to let the effect descend the camera close to the ground. As additional layers (e.g. semi-transparent grass floors, bushes, etc.) come into view, it would continue through earth layers to descend into another room (underground station / parking garage / etc.). Say that scene has also been filmed from a fixed position. While the effect moves the camera from the ceiling to eye-height, walls will deform to make it a realistic, natural 3d-movement.

    Any ideas? Is there a common name for this effect?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 10 Jahren
  • Dynamic equalizer for treble correction on a live concert recording?

    I would need your expert knowledge ;-)

    I've made a sound recording from a live concert, and noticed afterwards that occasionally someone moved between microphone and speakers, and the trebles dropped as if a door was closed in between...

    What would you recommend to use to automatically adjust (amplify) the trebles? (is it called dynamic equalizing?)

    Which programs would you recommend? Maybe even which function inside a specific program?

    Thanks alot in advance!!

    Should I upload a sample from the recording?

    1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • T-home hat es in seiner Werbung auf Alice abgesehen. Ist das legal?

    T-home-Werbebanner im Internet:

    "Wechseln Sie von Alice ins Wunderland.

    Telefonieren und Surfen Sie mit dem Testsieger"

    Radiowerbung von T-home im Radio Hamburg:

    (Frau telefoniert:) "Psst! Ich brauch' mal kurz Ihre Hilfe; ich will meinen DSL-Anbieter wechseln."

    (Mann ruft aus größerer Entfernung:) "Alice, was machst du da?"

    Was hat es damit auf sich? T-home hat es scheinbar wirklich auf Alice abgesehen. Ist so eine Werbung nicht verboten?

    2 AntwortenComputernetzwerkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Was ist "Yentafo"? (Zutat einer Nudelsuppe?)?

    Auf meiner Nudelsuppe stand "Yentafo" als Aromastoff. Was ist das? (Was habe ich da gerade gegessen?)

    2 AntwortenSonstiges - Essen & Trinkenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wo finde ich die Videos zur Office 2007 Kampagne "Bereit für einen neuen Tag"?

    Der folgende Blogeintrag verweist die fünf Videos zur Office 2007-Kampagne "Ready for a new Day" (Bereit für einen neuen Tag - mit dem neuen Office 2007). Leider finde ich die nicht mehr auf dem Microsoft Server. Hat Microsoft die wirklich gelöscht oder sind die noch woanders zu finden?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I install Spanish proofing tools for Office 2007?

    I installed a German Office 2007 trial with proofing tools for German, English, French and Italian. (It is not much different to an English version without German proofing tools.) How can I extend my installation by Spanish proofing tools? Is it really necessary to install a language pack that changes the interface language to a mixture of English and Spanish? This case is not applicable for me, because any licensed or trial version does not validate such an extension.

    If you tell me where to get the proofing tools and how to

    include them into my installation, the question is solved.

    You may also put down a link to a howto website.

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Need to recover the content of an unanswered question?

    Dear Yahoo! Answers team,

    I need to recover the content of an unanswered question I posted recently, because I need it elsewhere, and because I included information that would otherwise be lost. It would be enough to send it to me via email.

    Thank you in advance.

    (If I really manage to get into contact with a staff member, he knows how to discover my email address!)

    More information:

    RuneScape: Why do people think that a void mage set is bad?

    In Video & Online Games - Asked by Björn Eberhardt - 1 answer - 1 week ago- (Question has been removed)

    See also:

    Please note that Yahoo! Answers lacks a customer support form. I was unable to discover an appropiate form for this to be posted.

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt