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Have you ever wondered why the priests and minister of " Christendom" do not come in this site?

and support their teachings with Bible scripture???

9 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    They are likely in Religion and Spirituality section, not this one.



  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Many view their faith as merely employment and do not use their free time to "minister" to others.

    Of course, Christ didn't view his preaching work in this manner and neither should we.

    I suspect that all the extra curricular activities such as charity work and fund raising may take up a lot of their time too. It can crowd out the focus of all who claim to be Christian - sharing the good news.

    Of course, Christ showed that sometimes parables, reasoning and discussion of scripture are useful tools in helping people to understand Bible truths - personally, I have never come across a minister of Christendom that does this - there must be some who try?!

    Your question is a little loaded so don't be surprised if you get some "unchristian" replies.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's highly likely that some Christian ministers or priests do participate in YahooAnswers. I remember seeing an answer by one. Sometimes they probably don't say that they are ordained, but just have a screen name like we do. Although I'm not Catholic, I donate to a particular old priest who is still actively working as a missionary in India. This old priest lives without air conditioning, with minimal comforts in a remote area of India and serves the native people there. He is in his 90's. He was recently sick with fever, but continued to work in order to prepare to baptize a small group of new Christians. Most priests/ministers are just too busy. They are visiting the sick, ministering to people, praying, working on sermons, visiting prisoners, bringing food to the hungry, and have families to spend time with when they are home. Even the Catholic priests have parents that they take care of. They just don't have hours to spend on the computer like some of us do. God gives all of us a particular calling and particular gifts, and we have a responsibility to fulfill our own personal ministry.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I do notice. There are only a few and those call themselves 'pastors'. One reason I believe is because they are receiving money to be in their churches waiting for others to come to them.

    Interesting what Jesus said though:

    You received 'free', give free. Mt. 10:8

    When Jesus was on earth he never charged for what he gave to others. Nor did his disciples. They supported themselves while preaching to others. As a true "Christian", we would want to imitate that example.

    Right now the most important thing any of us can do is "preach the good news of Christ's Kingdom" soon to come on earth. In fact we are commanded to do so.

    'And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.' Mt. 24:14

    'Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you...until the conclusion of the system of things.' Mt. 28:19, 20

    We are living in the last days "critical times" and people NEED to know this. (2 Tim 3:1-5) Before we can live under Christ's perfect government or kingdom we need to be humble and peaceable. Those are the ones that will be approved by him. (Ps. 37:10, 11; Rev 21:3, 4)

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    One thing I see{ and I have seen it, believe me} is that ,when not standing on their millionaire pulpit{ yes they were that rich ,the ones I know] They get tired of talking about God. Because to them that is their Job. For me, it is my life, my love, my passion, my world revolves around my God and His Son. I never ever tire of talking about God. I never stop. All day long, I speak of him, I think of Him, I never stop. I dream of my God and his Son, and His words, and I am in a constant state of communication with them. That is the way it is. That is the anointing of the holy spirit. In fact, if I had an audience at all times{ which the angels are] I will even push myself past the limits of my human endurance to give the word when needed. It invigorates me. I am absorbed, and firmly entrenched in it. There is just me, my Father Jehovah, and his Son, my constant companions, and you better believe it is a three way conversation. That may sound wrong to others, but so what? I happen to know that I can be right and the entire world be wrong! It is never the wrong time to show love and compassion,. but you see, when I am lying naked on the floor, tears running down my face, because of the extreme hatred of so many, I know, my God will lift me up, he puts thoughts in my mind to cheer me. I can truly say he abides with me. Day after day I read and reread, over and over , I never get sick of reading the word. I can pray vigorously for hours on end if i have a particular need, to help someone. Is it possible, that lots of people are like that? I don't think so. I am driven by the holy spirit to continue without ceasing. The reason Is, I am not in charge of this great work, it is god's spirit. I am fully aware that when I go, where I go, and why I go, it is always for God's will and glory, if not, I have no desire at all, to do anything else. It truly is MY DELIGHT! I do not have the need to watch the whales, or stroll a street to view the creation, because first I must see my God vindicated. I will not ever be happy, until My god is vindicated, and I will not stop, until, it is finished, I keep on working until now. Nothing, nothing, NO , NOT Nothing is more important To me. I was not always like this, It happened to me, one day, the day I was sealed. No one can really grasp it, unless they too, are truly anointed, and there are many fakers, deceivers in league with the demons, but you see, i am dirt poor, have been homeless all my life. You can tell, that is the real state of an anointed one, very rarely will they have more than a meager means, we walk on feet with blisters on the bottom, with no pity from the people who do that sort of thing to us. you might think that the bride of the Christ rides in a limo, that is not the case, not back in Jesus's day, and not now, we would never sell the word of God, our preaching is done voluntarily and free of any monetary gain. You can see, That the world sees the pope, and then behold me, a vagrant. The world bows down before the rich money making preachers who not only fleece the flocks , they do not give the truth at all, it is a contrived plot, to take advantage of others in the name of the Christ, they have made the name Jesus to fairly stink. I myself would rather die right now and go straight to the lake of fire, than read, or listen to one more word of blasphemy of the name Of Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus the Christ.I shall not rob my God of my services, I will live, at his command and no one and nothing shall stop us from our goal!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because only members of other religions feel the need to defend themselves.

    They are out doing the work of God, rather than sitting in their bedrooms whingeing.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They don't want to get publicly schooled by some 13 year old athiest sitting at his computer munching on chips.

    Quelle(n): It would look bad for the church you see...
  • Mindy
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because their collection plates and or nets can't be passed around to the people on Yahoo Answers.

  • edoedo
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You're right about this, but I don't see them come here that much. Could be some reason why they don't come over here.

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