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Why have america won group c?

Ok, I'm not the brightest but according to bbc's group tables england and america have the exact same points and there's no goal difference. How come america are group c winner and england runner-up? I was expecting a coin toss or something since there is no difference....


ok, wrong section, but it was this or fifa 2006...

Update 2:

ok, I was guessing it was that...since they had a 2-2 draw and we had a draw with less goals (can't think either 1 all or 0-0) but then why does it not show up on bbc's group table - they say there's no goal difference...but ok I get it now cheers mate.

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    They have scored more goals than England.

    USA have scored 4 goals while England have scored 2 both in their last 3 group matches.

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