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Which sport to participate in.?

I've been thinking a lot lately and am still at a loss of what Sport to start. I used to be involved in plenty of sports but then got to unfit, I recently cut down to 74kgs with about 8% body fat. I'm 6'1,very athletic and love basically all sport apart from soccer. I have a background in basketball, but am also really into league, and combat sports (Boxing, MMA etc). Please give some suggestions, maybe you know of one I don't.

3 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I would go to basketball, especially since you used to do it.

    Answer Mine!;_ylt=AiYEe...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i would suggest soccer, i have played the sport for 14 years, and haven't gotten bored with it. there is always something new to learn like moves or a new formation to play in, also soccer players are the highest paid in the world so if you are looking to become a professional this is definitely where it is at. Soccer is my favorite sport because i love it so it may not be for you, i think you should try many sport and which ever one u just cant stop thinking about or want to play again and again is the one you should take up. =D

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt



    paintball (idk if thats a sport...)

    swimming (you definetly loose body fat)


    try soccer....its very athletic and fun


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