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What do i act like when I am around my ex?
Well, i asked this one girl out and she said yes. and after a while it went absolutley no where, so i broke up with her and i told her things werent "working out". And since I broke up with her so shes probably gonna tell her friends to ask me random questions about me and her. how do i respond to those questions? how can i seem like being a less of a dick? how should i act around my ex besides being myself or just ignoring her? What do i do when i know in her friends minds they are scolding me? how to i cope with this pressure?
Please answer all the questions please! I really need some answers.
1 Antwort
- sspade30Lv 5vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
You say, "I don't think it's very nice to talk about people behind their back. What happened between me and her is private."
Oh, and don't ignore her, especially if she tries to talk to you. If she asks you questions, answer them as best you can.