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stitch fragte in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Who can I contact about a company that debts money without direct consumer consent?

There is a company that goes by National Platinum and Platinum Services. Basically they hide their service within other offers. You don't even know you have authorized them to enroll you into their services. They offer a $10,000.00 line of credit to purchase items directly from them. I was offered multiple choices of additional offers and chose "no thank you" to all of them. Then the next day I was contacted by phone asking if I was interested in a $10,000.00 line of credit. I told them no I was not interested. Today I checked my banking account as I do every day and found a $99.95 ACH withdrawal. I contacted my bank and asked where this charge came from. My bank gave me the name of the service being Platinum Service and the 800 number associated with the company. I called the number where only an automated system answers the call and after making your selection it disconnects the call. I found a second number for customer service and big surprise the same thing happens. I then do an online search of the company and the results were at least 8 websites with lengthy complaints of this service doing the exact same thing to other people. The BBB even has record of this company. I now have to close my account and open a new one. I was able to find one web address to the company for customer service all other web addresses come back as not being found. My bank is willing to reverse the charges and any other fees that are associated with the issue. I have filed a complaint with IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center). My question is who else can I contact? I would not carry it as far as I am looking to if this was a one time issue. This company has done it to several people and someone needs to step up and say "no more." What type of lawyer should I contact? Who can I contact on a state and even federal level?

2 Antworten

  • /
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You could try the Federal Trade Commission. Not sure who else.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they must have gotten your bank account somehow,

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