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hannabanana fragte in PetsDogs · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Could it be that my dog has got warts?

I found a little point at my dog's mouth but didn't think it would be dangerous. In the last two weeks it has grown a lot and I found a second one. Should i go and see a vet right away or is it enough if I show it to him the next time I would go there anyways in a month or so?

Can I use some wart remedy used for horses? or is there wart remedies for dogs?

Hope you can help me!



I called my vet and sent her a picture. She said it is a papiloma and that it is enough if I bring her when she gets her vacinations.

5 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hi there! Warts generally do not grow this quickly. This is some sort growth that needs to be looked at by your vet ASAP. There is definitely something going on that needs to be addressed. The doctor may biopsy both growths to see the kind of cells that are inside. Often times, it is not serious,but there is always the chance that it is. He/ she may even highly recommend removing them. Either way, your dog will be fine. So don't worry. Just get him to the Vet and do not wait ok?

    Quelle(n): 12 yrs as a Veterinary Technician (Animal Nurse)
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    hhmm probably should take him to the vet, if you think its warts and it spreading that fast, it would proably be the best thing. I thought my dog had a wart one time but it was only a skin tag.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Can't quite make out by what you mean by 'at the mouth'?

    One of my dogs had the condition mentioned in the link below and the vet fixed it OK.

  • K
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would call your vet and see what they think. It could be nothing, or it could actually be herpes. DO NOT use anything for horses on dogs.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


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