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How is the abuse of Freedom of Speech viewed in democratic Liberalism?

With regards to Nick Griffin's scandalous and in my opinion not necessary appearance in BBC's Question time I would like to know how the abuse of Freedom of Speech is dealt with in democratic Liberalism? Does it state any relation to this issue? I'd be happy to see some reference to evidence if you make a statement though. Thanks very much

2 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    I can't give any actual evidence here, I can only share my own opinion.

    I'm a student at Strathclyde University, and we had our Student Union AGM here yesterday evening. There was a motion put forward to have a no-platform policy for the BNP; that is, to outright ban them from campus and refuse to have any of them come to speak. I gave a speech against the policy, partly because of the freedom of speech issue, but mostly because I feel that their views should be heard in open forum so they can be demolished. After seeing Griffin get his @ss handed to him last night, I felt a lot more justified in that view.

    Just for the extra info, the motion fell by 83 to 87 votes, with 79 to 87 upon a recount (it was a show of hands rather than written ballot, and a few people changed to 'abstain' rather than 'yes' on the recount).

    Basically, while I often feel uneasy about it, I can't help but support the freedom of speech, except in cases where there is a direct, explicit incitement to violence or prejudice.

    Doinou: Pathetic. Given how your media was during the Bush era, claiming that democrats are trying to limit freedom of speech now is utterly ridiculous.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Shutting down conservative media is a top priority to Obama. Fortunately, REAL Americans aren't putting up with it.

    Vincent, Pathetic is that Obama is trying to shut down conservative media like we've never seen before. Fortunately, the Press knew they could be next and took a stand, which did restore an ounce of my faith that all is not lost. Don't make me defend Bush just because you are a hater. I didn't like what he was doing either.

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