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Is there anybody in this section actually asking serious questions?

... or are you all just here to troll or make fun of religious belief? It's all getting so repetitive... I think we should have some FAQs covering, e.g.,

Q. Why don't atheists believe in god?

Q. What is the difference between catholics and christians?

.. as those get asked all the time.


Hmmmmm... 21.3% sounds about right to me.

Update 2:

Kiki, yes I KNOW the answers to those - I was just putting them forward as examples of what gets endlessly asked.

Update 3:

Megan, clearly you don't know what spam IS. Spamming means sending unwanted email, or the same stuff over and over again.

Update 4:

And "what is the difference between catholics and christians" gets asked all the time from people who clearly aren't children.

19 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    i feel all are asking seriously. They think serious. you are in the dark side. come to the light side. it is true some ones questions are repeated. The yahoo answerers are scattered all over the world. They ask question seriously with some changes to the same question already asked. i don't know what is the difficulty in answering again and again the same answer. if you want, please answer otherwise please skip. you are answering the questions only. you are asking a question now only after 8 months.

    i feel all are asking seriously because they need answer and no one interested for a loss of 5 points.

    Quelle(n): my view.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Whenever I come here, I always see the same 2 questions (worded differently) asked by sabbatarians. These same questions they ask are "why don't Christians keep the sabbath" & "doesn't everyone know the RCC changed the sabbath to Sunday (claiming Constantine did)". They re-word the same questions over & over again in an attempt to recruit other Christians into their denominations.

    I also see the atheists ask questions only to antagonize Christians.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    After six months or so interacting here I find myself participating in fewer and fewer questions. At first the outrageousness of the Q&A is stimulating, but it soon becomes monotonous. I don't think there is much that can be done to change it. It's frustrating for those who genuinely take this subject seriously, but every once in a while a good one pops up. Check out some of the interesting answers to this Q from yesterday.;_ylt=Al3Vv...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Questioning and critique =/= ridiculing religious belief.

    It does it all own its own.

    1. The only thing that ties all atheists together is the lack of belief in god, just to get that straight. Why? It depends on the atheist, but for most it is the overwhelming certainty that there is no evidence for any god's existence.

    2. Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics. The difference is in focus on scripture, religious rites and practice, and in some points, beliefs.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Actually ones like "What is the difference between catholics and christians?" might be a question from a child who is studying it at school and doesnt know the difference. Get over yourself. Your spamming by asking this pointless question

    In my opinion people who pray constantly throughout the day are weak.

    When ever their stuck in life they rely on "God" to help them because they can't face reality themselves. That's my honest opinion and i hope i don't get thumbed down for sharing my opinion.

    I want to belive in God but can't without proper solid proof

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Good question darkside.

    Go to my profile and you will see my serious questions BUT ignorant answers some people on this site really need to get a life anyways I'm just going to preach and do my thing, Allah is enough for a witness.


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Religions have some variety in how religious writings are interpreted, and the extent to which what people believe is actually really possible.

    So what to you might seem a frivolous question might be deadly serious to someone else. And if questions are asked repeatedly, then that must indicate how serious they are to some.

  • James
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because when a serious question is asked by anyone, christian or non, the secular and religious hatreds come out to defend what should not need defending if your faith is secure. Then the serious question gets deleted because someone found it to be offensive to their insecure grasp on their faith.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Im a christian mate and people who aren't christians will never take it seriously. These are the same people who feel discriminated if their belief or whatever is laughed at.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I sometimes ask serious questions. It is so much easier to troll..

    Right now I have other things on my mind. Can't wait for class on Tuesday. I'm obsessed.

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