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UdoBer fragte in HealthOther - Health · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why do you, as an amerikan don't want health insurance?

the U.S is a rich country. In Europe even the smallest countrys have health insurance for their people. Can you explain someone who is no amerikan why you don't want it. I am living in germany.


Thank you very much for your opinions. I wanted some amerikan point of view to understand this thing. With some pro and contra. I would have suggested that it is simple to decide. But now i am not so sure.

Update 2:

Thank you very much for your opinions. I wanted some amerikan point of view to understand this thing. With some pro and contra. I would have suggested that it is simple to decide. But now i am not so sure.

4 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    People are afraid of change.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I know you said that you wanted an answer from a non-american, but I am one. I'm going to give you my thought of why I, and many others do not want United Healthcare. First of America is so far in debt it is almost a joke. If we approve of United Healthcare we will go even farther in debt than we were before. Second America is a wealthy and free country, but that is why I don't want it. If I'm working my butt off and to provide for my family, why would I want the same benefits as someone who is living off of welfare because they are to lazy to work? I want to get out what I put in. The only people that are wanting United Healthcare in America is the cheap and the poor. Also if I get an injury, depending on which it is, I'm going to be put on a list and it could take a while to get to me. I would rather be able to see whoever I wanted, basically whenever I wanted. Also the skill of the doctors will decrease and I don't want to be worked on by someone that I don't feel is a good doctor.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Biggest reason is the cost. Most Americans don't want to pay the outrageous prices that thier employers ask for insurance. For instance i have a best friend who's a single mom makes 60,000$ a year at her job so yeah she does ok for herself. If she put herself and all 3 of her kids on her insurance they would take out over 1,000$ a month for insurance. Leaving her with virtually nothing to pay rent,bills,car payments,ect.. after taxes and insurance is taken out her take home is like 2400$ a month. So being a single mom she gets her kids covered through state provided insurance or welfare for lack of a better word but, she pays for her own insurance through her work and its like 150$ a month just for herself. Also if you don't have insurance through your job the cost of personal health insurance is even worse. I had personal health insurance when i was in college and had no choice, my monthly payment was over 200$ a month and it went up every year even if i stayed healthy and had no change in prescriptions or anything. SO yeah why should Americans pay for health insurance when they can gamble and go without and then even if they get really sick still go to an ER in the U.S. and get treated for free, yeah they will get a bill but they can refuse to pay and then it just goes on their credit report lowers their score a little but they still don't really feel the effects of not paying their medical bills. Its no wonder illegal aliens don't want to go back to Mexico for health care with no ssn's they don't have to worry about their credit getting f*cked up from nonpayment of bills and regardless of their status in the U.S. they can get great free healthcare any time they walk into an E.R.

    Quelle(n): Healthcare Worker MLT(ASCP) at one of the biggest Hospitals in my state that accepts patients with no insurance.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    its not I that doesn't want it...its the rich jerks who'll lose their spare yacht in the Hamptons that don't want me to have it...

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