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Taurus or Gemini? May 21 Birthday Info?

I would like to learn more about my birthday. I was born May 21, 1983 at 9:05 PM in Lafayette, Indiana.

I believe I'm on the cusp but frequently see my birthdate listed as both taurus and gemini. i also believe I see a little bit of both in me.

I can be quite stubborn at times, I'm a procrastinator. I enjoy learning and I consider myself to be an artist in my spare time.

Any info would be greatly appreciated :)

4 Antworten

  • Stella
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Your Sun is at 00 degrees and 26 minutes of Gemini. :)

    There is no such thing as a "cuspal blend." :) The Sun (like all planets) is always in one sign or another, and cannot be a blend of two signs. Any influences of the "other sign" can be explained by other planets being in that sign, or by that sign's ruler being active in the chart. If someone is born on the day the Sun changes signs like you were, they will need to know the exact time of birth to be sure which sign the Sun was really in. Also beware of "rounding up": the exact time is critical. Even a few minutes can throw off the chart.

    In your case, while the Sun is in Gemini, your Mercury and Chiron are in the sign of Taurus, so that's where those Taurean traits are coming from. You also have Moon in Libra, and Libra is ruled by Venus just like Taurus is, so there can be some similarity in feeling there.

    To see your full chart, just go to and click on the free charts link. :)

    Quelle(n): Astrologer 18+ Years Experience
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Well my birthday is actually May 21st 1994 born in Chula Vista, CA around 3-4am and I have very much a mix of traits from both Taurus and Gemini astrology traits. I consider myself a Gemini cusp with Taurus traits and being the twin sign makes me even more "mysterious". Sometimes I hate it but it'll work out just fine.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think it is mostly Taurus but being on the cusp is likely to mean you would have traits of both. I myself am safely Gemini born on June 13th.

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