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Does anyone else think the song " No Boundries" totally sucked?

seriously, Mountains? "Go higher and deeper"? did Kara and whoever else she wrote the song with just compile a montage of cheesy cliche's and slap together with some sheet music?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    hello kitty FTW

    No boundaries sucks

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ha, I was expecting better, too (didn't Simon point that line out as well?). It was supposed to really recognize Kara as a great songwriter, but it was very bleh.

    I could probably understand the blandness of the lyrics if it was written last minute, though. I've heard a lot of Kara's collaborations with other artists, and they tend to be much deeper than that.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I actually loved the song! I thought that it was a very good song for the finale. I'm sorry that your shallow understanding of music has brought you to this point, but I am here to tell you that Kara is a good songwriter and am amazing singer, so back off the nastiness!

    Just my opinion, sorry id you don't like it! :)

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