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Atheists: Just curious?

If you are invited to a service at church for something like a friend's wedding or a close relative's funeral...

Do you go or will you not set foot in a church for any reason?

And if you go:

Do you participate just to "fit in" or not to offend?

Just curious.

I am an atheist and I usually take a seat somewhere in the back, keep quiet and wait till it's over..



"when you grow in to adult hood you will see that you were not an Atheist you were angry misunderstood unheard sad lonely and begging to feel love from something inside you all along!!"

WTF?? I am NOT sad, lonely or anything such. And if I am angry it is because of statements like those!

I'm in my 30s, dammit!!

25 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    The only thing I'm afraid of is that I may burst out laughing.

    Recently I went to the christening of my nephew's son; his Catholic wife insisted on the ritual.

    He thanked me afterwards as he knows what I'm like; he's a bit like me.

    He spent a lotta time with me when he was a kid I taught him well.


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Of course I go. There's a lot I like about church services, particularly a lot of the music (sermons make me want to gnaw the pews in two, but that's what tedium can do sometimes). And if it's a funeral, I think refusing to set foot inside the church is incredibly self-important and arrogant. The world isn't all about ME.

    Rituals are important. Marking the stages of life is an important psychological need. Confucianism makes some very interesting points about how the act of ritual is far more important than any myths that supposedly lie behind them. Rituals express your proper relationship with the world - respect for the dead, celebration of marriage before the community, etc. It is healthy for us and for society to perform them.

    If a friend gets married or buried in church, it is only proper that I follow that ritual, as part of that friend's wishes, and follow it with commitment. It's called respect.

  • Shhh
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would go to a wedding or funeral. I would even attend a friend or family member's baptism ceremony if I was invited. It isn't like I am going to die or melt by entering a church.

    Just because I don't believe in what the church teaches, doesn't mean I avoid it at all costs. If someone I care about believes in that church and what it teaches, I am not going to care about them less and would be happy to be included in something they care about.

    In fact, I have been to a few marriages and one baptism as an atheist. I smiled politely and showed as much respect as I could to the event. But, I only attended because it was important to people I care about. I'm still an atheist and nothing happened to me by entering the church. So, I would do it again if asked.

  • jake
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I attend Catholic church with my friends all the time. In fact, when we were younger, I would go to the church youth group with them. It was a blast.

    And yes, I would always participate. Most of the time, it wasn't too hard to substitute the thought of Jesus or God for something else that I believed was positive. Admittedly, I still have no idea what they chant during Mass.

    Overall it is usually a very pleasant community experience (except when they are asking for money).

    Edit: I also have to agree with Ed. Some churches are too over the top for me i.e. speaking in tongues, handling snakes, spells, exorcisms, etc.

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  • Mia
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I go to weddings if invited usually and funerals of those I knew at least somewhat well to share their happiness and express support in the first case and to give consolation and support in the latter. I sit in quietly. I might sing along if they sing something. I don't do the kneeling stuff or go up for communion and all that. When they do a group prayer I just sit quietly and take everything in. Most people don't notice this as odd or anything.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Of course I go. Setting foot in a church is less important to me than celebrating a marriage or farewelling someone.

    I must admit though, I'd think seriously before attending a christening/baptism. Depends on who the people were, I guess.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm happy to join in a friend's celebration in a church, though I won't participate in any religious part of it, such as prayer. It's usually pretty easy to make that distinction. I certainly have no problem being there - it's just a building!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Religion is the same to me as sports, I don't play ball for the Denver Bronco's so I don't care what their rules are, and don't care what the "Boss of the Broncos" thinks of me. But if one of my friends invited me to a game, I would go.

    When I go to church, I don't participate in worship, but do participate in weddings and funerals. I bow my head during prayer in respect for the people I love, but think of other things while they pray and don't speak the Pharoahs name at the end (Amen)

    I liked your question, hope I remember to look at your answers later. Good luck.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm an atheist, not a vampire. Nothing bad will happen to me if I set foot in a church. I go to the wedding or funeral and participate like everyone else.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My mom continues to try and get me interested in church. Her main argument is that since the old ladies there have known me since I was about 4 it's nice for them to see me and catch up. I know it's just her way of getting me to go but really it's just an hour of my time. I can personally disagree with whatever is going on in the church but I do this mostly to avoid offense.

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