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Is the ET alien today's angel/demon/djinn/god/spirit?

Since science has brushed aside many ancient superstitions, are these new sciency creatures, ET aliens, taking the place formerly held by those ancient superstitions? In other words, do some humans *require* such creatures? Do some people just use the latest version of the mystic creature to explain certain events (i.e. sleep paralysis, hallucinations, etc.)?


Despite some creative interpretations of paintings, there is no mention of aliens until the late 1800s, no "regular" sightings until the 1940s and no regular abduction reports until the 1970s.

Update 2:

Re ET aliens and the 1800s - There have been mythical creatures of all stripes, have all sorts of origins, since man could speak. However, those were supernatural in nature. I refer here to non-supernatural aliens who have a definite, known place of origin (i.e. Venus, Mars).

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    You HAVE been reading Sagan, haven't you?

    If you look at the sleep paralysis phenomena, it's interesting that years ago, people would report seeing demons, ghosts etc. Today we have people reporting seeing aliens. Usually describing them as similar to those depicted in movies.

    Yes, people love to believe in the unknown, we have done it throughout history, even inventing new "unknown" phenomena to explain the unexplainable. Pop culture also plays a huge role. Some people can be very passionate about defending their beliefs, even to the point of being abusive (case in point Minerva). They don't like science providing natural explanations for their cherished superstitious beliefs.

    Its human nature, though some of us seem to be able to be more rational about it. We don't shoehorn events or faulty evidence to fit our preferred belief system, which is the fundamental basis of science I guess.

    Another good book is "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Dr Michael Shermer - If you haven't already read it, I can thoroughly recommend it.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This is a very interesting observation. From what I have seen, yes, I think throughout history and culture people have always needed some form of mystery/monsters that they can pretend is real. And yes, I agree that aliens are just the latest trend in monsters. The interesting thing I would like to see someone delving into is why people need this.

    My theory is most people have a deep seeded need to explain and understand everything. Most people don't know everything, or even a fraction of what they want to know, so they fool their minds by making stuff up. Of course, this is very much influenced by culture, and our modern culture like aliens, psychics, and ghosts.

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I suspect you've hit the nail right on the head. I don't believe science brushing superstition aside is a big factor.

    For superstitious people it's just another addition to the family.

    Science can't disprove a negative and for many, no amount, or lack of evidence will do.

    Some folks will always believe there's a monster out there, just waiting for them to go to bed.

  • tseng
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    i'm sorry, yet i'm not that gullible. i don't have confidence for a 2d it is the fossilized cranium belonging to the alien race till now familiar using fact the Penis Heads. as nicely, they at the instant are not extinct yet. i understand that's genuine using fact I met fairly a number of them on the DMV at the instant. whether I do have confidence you have only probable stumbled upon one in each and every of water jugs Dali made whilst he became in trouble-free terms a wee wee lad yet regrettably, he failed in pottery classification on the time using fact no one observed the sweetness nor many clever use in a water jug with a femur and penis linked to it.

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  • Mary
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This is a good question. I think you make a very interesting point.

    Yes I believe that some people need mythological creatures and paranormal fantasy in their lives. I feel some people just find using paranormal occurrences a way of adding excitement into their lives. Many want to feel they are special and unique and seek attention. Some want to deny they have a medical condition so they just write it off as paranormal.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No mention of aliens until 1800s? Are you really that uninformed? So many cultures have mentioned VISITORS from the sky. Sometimes they referred to them as angels but in many cases they were "star people". Like the Hopi.

    PLUS there are so many new agers and others who believe in ghosts, demons, and angels. A lot of people think "aliens" are interdimensional and appear as these types of beings. I'm not saying I agree, I'm saying it's common knowledge.

    I'm saying your question is flawed, and your education is incomplete.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't know.

    I do, from time to time, read about the conspiracy theories involving reptilian-like aliens. Part of me wonders if these are Djinn.

    Many ancient cultures (i.e. Egypt) wrote about reptilian beings who shared knowledge with them. It makes me wonder....

    Good question, wish I had a good answer.

    Quelle(n): Cool YouTube video on the topic:
  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Maybe there was no news of them because there were no newspapers and reporters and investigators like in the late 1800s....and 1940s. I think in the Catholic Church there were reports of what they thought were spiritual beings...maybe they were aliens. Were all the ones they call "saints' just mentally ill?? They saw apparitions.... and the church honored them for seeing them...So... why are they sane ....even saints..and the rest of us are "crazies".

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Maybe ETs were the mythological creatures?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Actually, the concept of aliens is rather ancient, there is nothing really "new" about them.

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