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Lv 619.311 points

◄♥ Witchy Mel ♥►

Favorisierte Antworten21%

HERE'S TO THE CRAZY ONES. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward... While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genuis. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. ♱Steve Jobs♱

  • Can you help me with the symbols on my pendant?

    Hi, I have this pendant that was made in Guatemala and it has symbols on it...looks like it might be Mayan but I haven't been able to find anything online to back that up. Do you the origin of these symbols?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you know what the symbols on this pendant means?

    Hi, I have this pendant that was made in Guatemala and it has symbols on it...looks like it might be Mayan but I haven't been able to find anything online to back that up. Do you the origin of these symbols?

    2 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 8 Jahren
  • Does fat literally turn into muscle?

    For example, if you have a lot of fat on your stomach and you do crunches, will the fat there become muscle or will it eventually burn off, giving you an eventually flatter stomach? Someone told me that if you weigh too much and do crunches that the fat will turn into muscle and then you will have a hard fat stomach...didn't sound right to me, please clarify. Thanks!

    23 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you have to go into nursing to get involved in hospice care?

    I truly just want to do hospice care, not really interested in working in a hospital, I want to do in home care. It is harder than I thought to find information online. How does one go about becoming a hospice care worker? I live in San Francisco by the way.

    7 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dream Interpretation help please?

    Hi, I had a really strange dream last night and I need some help interpreting it.

    I somehow lost my job (which didn't happen in my dream, I just knew I did) so I was walking down a street looking for work but it was mostly a residential neighborhood. Then I came across this really decrepit restaurant and I walked in and there was nothing dividing the kitchen from the dining area. The kitchen was really dirty, everything was brown with grease and dirt and it opened up to an area with wooden booths and everything in the restaurant was brown...not like grease, more like that nasty brownish color that the walls get when people have smoked indoors for a long time. Tobacco stained. So anyways, I went in and even though they weren't hiring I kind of hired myself and told the chef he needed my help. The chef was this really tall and very overweight man and his apron looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. He let me take over in organizing things and decorating and then my friend came and joined in my effort. Then it seemed like time passed without me noticing it and the restaurant looked much better and we had changed the menu and there was a private room behind the kitchen and we were serving dinner to this very big Italian family, there were at least 20 of them in this room. We were bringing them in wine in these really pretty bottles that looked more like giant perfume bottles. They were celebrating something. Everyone was having a great time. Then this guy came in (and here's where it gets weird and disturbing) he was dressed all in black but he had this weird blue mask over half of his face like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat. If you don't know who that is, here's an image:

    The only thing that was "Sub Zero" about this guy was the blue mask on his face. Other than that, he was dressed in this loose fitting black cloth. Anyways he takes out a torch and sets one of the draperies on fire and everyone runs out and outside there are women in black hijabs with the veil standing around. The woman closest to the open front door calmly takes a flame and sets her head on fire. The top of her head is in flames and she's just standing there.

    I run out the back and there are more women just like her just standing around like they aren't feeling any pain but the tops of their heads are on fire. So I run away and I get to the police department and I am trying to get them to take me back there so I can get my purse. All I can think about is how much I need to get my stuff out of there.

    So for the record, I haven't played Mortal Combat in over 10 years. I haven't watched Hell's Kitchen in over a month and although I watched the news last night surprisingly the war wasn't mentioned. I also didn't eat any weird food before I went to bed. ;)

    I am pretty sure this dream is rich with symbolism and I would like your take on what kind of symbolic messages this dream could have. The women with the hijabs were most interesting, I woke up very disturbed by those images.

    Thank you in advance for your help with this!

    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dream Interpretation help please?

    Hi, I had a really strange dream last night and I need some help interpreting it.

    I somehow lost my job (which didn't happen in my dream, I just knew I did) so I was walking down a street looking for work but it was mostly a residential neighborhood. Then I came across this really decrepit restaurant and I walked in and there was nothing dividing the kitchen from the dining area. The kitchen was really dirty, everything was brown with grease and dirt and it opened up to an area with wooden booths and everything in the restaurant was brown...not like grease, more like that nasty brownish color that the walls get when people have smoked indoors for a long time. Tobacco stained. So anyways, I went in and even though they weren't hiring I kind of hired myself and told the chef he needed my help. The chef was this really tall and very overweight man and his apron looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. He let me take over in organizing things and decorating and then my friend came and joined in my effort. Then it seemed like time passed without me noticing it and the restaurant looked much better and we had changed the menu and there was a private room behind the kitchen and we were serving dinner to this very big Italian family, there were at least 20 of them in this room. We were bringing them in wine in these really pretty bottles that looked more like giant perfume bottles. They were celebrating something. Everyone was having a great time. Then this guy came in (and here's where it gets weird and disturbing) he was dressed all in black but he had this weird blue mask over half of his face like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat. If you don't know who that is, here's an image:

    The only thing that was "Sub Zero" about this guy was the blue mask on his face. Other than that, he was dressed in this loose fitting black cloth. Anyways he takes out a torch and sets one of the draperies on fire and everyone runs out and outside there are women in black hijabs with the veil standing around. The woman closest to the open front door calmly takes a flame and sets her head on fire. The top of her head is in flames and she's just standing there.

    I run out the back and there are more women just like her just standing around like they aren't feeling any pain but the tops of their heads are on fire. So I run away and I get to the police department and I am trying to get them to take me back there so I can get my purse. All I can think about is how much I need to get my stuff out of there.

    So for the record, I haven't played Mortal Combat in over 10 years. I haven't watched Hell's Kitchen in over a month and although I watched the news last night surprisingly the war wasn't mentioned. I also didn't eat any weird food before I went to bed. ;)

    I am pretty sure this dream is rich with symbolism and I would like your take on what kind of symbolic messages this dream could have. The women with the hijabs were most interesting, I woke up very disturbed by those images.

    Thank you in advance for your help with this!

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm noticing a theme from some Wiccans about spellcasting?

    Since we can't hear each other's tone of voice here I just wanted to get some clarification. I have been noticing that some Wiccans when answering questions are adamantly separating themselves from magick and spellwork. I'm just curious as to why this is. My foundation is in Wicca and every book I had on it included ritual and spellwork.

    I can understand that some Wiccans don't cast spells and that doesn't bother me at all but am I mis-reading the tone here or do some Wiccans actually feel it has nothing to do with Wicca? Are there any Wiccans out there that have something against spellwork?

    I am really just asking to better understand other perspectives, not to stir the to speak. ;)

    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm noticing a theme from some Wiccans about spellcasting?

    Since we can't hear each other's tone of voice here I just wanted to get some clarification. I have been noticing that some Wiccans when answering questions are adamantly separating themselves from magick and spellwork. I'm just curious as to why this is. My foundation is in Wicca and every book I had on it included ritual and spellwork.

    I can understand that some Wiccans don't cast spells and that doesn't bother me at all but am I mis-reading the tone here or do some Wiccans actually feel it has nothing to do with Wicca? Are there any Wiccans out there that have something against spellwork?

    I am really just asking to better understand other perspectives, not to stir the to speak. ;)

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a tarot deck with a more diverse feel?

    I am looking for a tarot deck that has multiple races included on the images. I am not finding anything like that. I have been searching through but I haven't come across anything that is diverse like everyday life. Anyone seen a deck like that?

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a tarot deck with a more diverse feel?

    I am looking for a tarot deck that has multiple races included on the images. I am not finding anything like that. I have been searching through but I haven't come across anything that is diverse like everyday life. Anyone seen a deck like that?

    3 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Witches: Witch's bottle part 2 - Ingredients?

    I have been researching and I've heard mentioned a couple of times that there is a Witch's bottle you can make that absorbs negativity and turns it into positive energy but I haven't found the details anywhere on what kind of combination of things would create that scenario. This is the kind of bottle I would want to keep in my house.

    I don't like the idea of harming someone even if it's their intent to harm me. I like this idea because the sender can keep sending all they want but the results would be positive for the "would be" victim.

    I would like any ideas you might have about this, stones and herb combinations especially.

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Witches: Witch's bottle part 2 - Ingredients?

    I have been researching and I've heard mentioned a couple of times that there is a Witch's bottle you can make that absorbs negativity and turns it into positive energy but I haven't found the details anywhere on what kind of combination of things would create that scenario. This is the kind of bottle I would want to keep in my house.

    I don't like the idea of harming someone even if it's their intent to harm me. I like this idea because the sender can keep sending all they want but the results would be positive for the "would be" victim.

    I would like any ideas you might have about this, stones and herb combinations especially.

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Witches: Is it a good idea to put a Witch's bottle in the ocean?

    When you make a Witch's bottle it is for protection and you are supposed to seal it up and bury it some place far away from your home. What about sealing it and dropping it in the ocean? Would the salt neutralize the spell? I've only dropped one spell related item in the ocean before but that was to reverse a spell. Any ideas are welcome.

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Witches: Is it a good idea to put a Witch's bottle in the ocean?

    When you make a Witch's bottle it is for protection and you are supposed to seal it up and bury it some place far away from your home. What about sealing it and dropping it in the ocean? Would the salt neutralize the spell? I've only dropped one spell related item in the ocean before but that was to reverse a spell. Any ideas are welcome.

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is the world really going to end?

    I wasn't convinced but after reading this article...I think the end has already begun.

    8 AntwortenParanormal Phenomenavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does beverage temperature effect the way your body absorbs caffeine?

    So I go back and forth from getting giant ice tea from Starbucks to making my own at work. I recently got lazy and started drinking my tea hot at work and I noticed that it wasn't giving me the "kick" that I usually get. At first I thought that 'bucks just had amazing ice tea but no, I went out of my way and made ice tea at work and I am wide awake.

    So I'm wondering what's the difference between iced and hot, it's the same amount of caffeine so what changes?

    4 AntwortenOther - Alternativevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Celtic Cross Spread Diagram?

    Hi, I'm wondering if there is a such a thing as a diagram of this layout that you can made of cloth or felt or something and you can put it on the table and put your cards in their right places on top of the diagram. It would look something like this:

    Are these made? If so where can I buy one?

    The one in the link says it comes laminated but it doesn't say if it's "life size" or not and I would prefer one made from cloth.

    8 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Believers, did you ever do something really stupid?

    and wish that you had listened when you were warned against it? Paranormally speaking. If so, what was it and what was the consequence?

    5 AntwortenParanormal Phenomenavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Chinese Astrology, different results?

    I have calculated what my animal is, some say dragon and some say snake. Why do sites have differing calculations?

    5 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does this dragon statue have any particular significance?

    I found it on the sidewalk in downtown San Francisco yesterday morning. It is about 2x2 inches and it's made out of a lightweight resin. I'm thinking it might have fell out of someone's pocket. I know dragons are very significant in the Chinese spiritual belief system but I'm wondering if this is supposed to be a trinket you carry around with you or place somewhere in your house...any help would be appreciated, pics are below:

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt