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I'm not myself a very big twilight fan, although I am currently reading the last book, however I am so tired of seeing it everywhere both in the negative and the positive. I wish people would stop rallying about how much it sucks, and I wish people would stop drooling about how amazing they think it is. enough is enough, some like it and others don't, I get it, why can't people just agree to disagree and call it a frickin day fro crying out loud. I repeat, STOP POSTING QUESTIONS ABOUT TWILIGHT!


yes I realize that I myself am posting a question about twilight to state this however it is not regards to the aforemention "Twilight is sooo amazing!" or "Twilight sucks so much!"

22 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It's coming out on DVD this month. After next month the hype should die down again. Trust me, this is nothing compared to what it was like during Christmas season

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    People post questions and talk about the books because they enjoy it. As long as someone likes it there will be posts. You post questions and what have you about things you like or don't, if you really don't like it don't respond or read or post about it. Its peoples choice to post what they will. There is nothing that can be done. I personally like the books but am totally against the movies. I don't like walking through the mall and seeing Edward Cullen dolls, or all the movie stuff. But i live with it because its not going to change because i want it to. Also, yahoo shouldn't prevent people from talking about twilight, freedom of speech and all.

  • Serena
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The only way I'll shut up is if all the Twi-hards do. Otherwise, I'll always be waiting 4 u people to post an Ohmygodtwilightsamazingandedwardsohawt kind of question so I can shoot it back in your face. Even then I probably won't. It doesn't matter 2 me. Ranting about twilight makes me happy!

    Quelle(n): Dracula
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Twilight - totally without intelligence

    And this is only the beginning, what's scary is there is still another book and at least 3 more movies to go....I personally blame Yahoo for not doing anything about it after so many people have complained.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Been there, done that. It does nothing. All you can do is burn the books and hope it goes away, sort of like an exorcism. I think these books are possessed, because no matter how many times I slam it (Breaking Dawn) against the wall, it doesn't fold or rip or tear. The book is cursed.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Omg than just stop answering them and looking at them and thats all u have 2 do! but like over than 800 ppl are (how they say) infected to it

    Quelle(n): and YES SIRY
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I just talked about it when I read all the 4 books, now I dont.


  • if you think its bad now, wait till it comes out on dvd in like a week and then again aound nov. 30th when "New moon" is scheduled 2 b in theatures

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    OMG I know it's pathetic that ppl have no life except for Twilight!!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i'm not saying anything, i'll get reported. Twilight fans are so touchy.

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