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Which of these names is best for a baby - Jast. Caan, Thay, or Sec?

21 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I've always loved reading the questions you ask about names! I always wonder where you get the names and now I know 4 of them!!

    Between them, I'd say Caan is the best name. Plus he was my favorite of the 4 of them.

    But I think I'd actually prefer to name my child Davros.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They are all dreadful.

    Please do think of the child when he goes to school. "Jast" will be called "Jast-a-minute"

    Caan will be heard by any west indian person as "Can't"

    which is how they pronounce it

    Thay is meaningless - everyone will say to him " What sort of a nonsense name is that ?"

    Sec is the term for a dry wine

    There are thousands of decent names which will not turn the child into a mockery at school.

    I guarantee if you give a boy any of those names he will not forgive you, and he wil change it as soon as he can.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    HAHA nice.

    well for a boy, i would use Jast

    but for a girl I would call her Thay.

    Thanx for asking that question. the other day, i was wondering what all the names of the Cult were. i could remember Sec, Caan and Jast but Thay i just couldnt remember!!



  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Great question. Love it!

    Thay sounds like a proper name. Nothing unique about it.

    Caan, similar to Con. I know a couple different Con's, so not really unique.

    Jast is too similar to Jest...

    So that just leaves us with Sec. Can I put “Dalek” in front of that to make the full name Dalek Sec? Or do we have to just stick simply with, Sec? Ether way, Sec is the best. Plus, put an “s” at the end of Sec and... oh never mind......

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They all sound like good names for a baby Dalek ;-))

    I suppose Caan might be OK for a human as well, since Dalek Caan turned out to be a bit of a hero in the end.

    Quelle(n): The Cult of Skaro
  • Shelby
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Jast is the best, but only for a boy.

    I kinda like it actuallly.

    Caan is okay, Thay is too much like 'they' and Sec is what i call 'second'

    ♥ Bee

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've never heard Jast. It sounds really cool for a baby boy.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i have read questions of names people are thinking about using for their baby and i'm wondering what planet are these parents from. there is no award i'm aware of for coming up with asinine names for kids is there? spend a month introducing yourself to people you met as in: hi i'm jast johnson, caan compton, thay simpson,... and see what reaction you get. if they all look at you oddly then please don't use the name. use a name that sounds professional so his name makes him at least sound like someone of some importance.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    Cult Of Skaro Names

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If Caan is pronounced "Karn" then I love it.

    Caan and Jast would be my favourites.

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